We are cement manufacture from Indonesia. We produces cement and clinker.
Clinker is a semi-finished material to make cement, if it is ground with gypsum and other minerals may be added.
Clinker forms in the form of lumps or nodules with a general size of 3 millimeters (0.12 in) to 25 millimeters (0.98 in) in diameter.
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Bosowa Cement is high quality portland cement that has met national standards, namely SNI 2049: 2015 and international standards namely ASTMC 150 / C150M-12 and European standards EN 197 -1 CEM I. Portland cement type I is a suitable type of cement for a wide variety of concrete applications where special requirements are not required.
Bosowa Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) can be used for road building construction, bridges and buildings, in addition, several projects development in Indonesia also uses BSW Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) composite such as Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Bridge II of Samarinda City, Jayapura Underpass and so on.
BSW Portland Composite Cement (PCC) is at National standardized : SNI 7064: 2014 and International standard namely European EN197-1 CEM II is Portland cement with high quality. The hydraulic cement produced by grinding Portland cement clinker and Gypsum is easier to work with and producing a time-saving work.
Bosowa Portland Composite Cement (PCC) can be used for general construction such as concrete work, masonry, gutters, driveways, walls, and manufacture of special building elements such as precast concrete, prestressed concrete, panels concrete, and also paving blocks