The thick, dark and rich Jarrah honey is one of the healthiest in the world.
Our jarrah honey with an activity level of TA35+, is extremely potent.
The honey is collected from virgin forests using traditional methods. It is not filtered or heat-treated. It therefore retains its natural phytonutrients, enzymes, antioxidants, propolis, pollen, vitamins and minerals for your good health.
Wandoo honey is light in colour and delivers an irresistably tasty butterscotch flavour. These days the trees are scarce and wandoo forests are preserved for recreation and watershed protection making this honey a precious commodity.
It grows as a small to medium-sized tree up to 25 metres in height. It has smooth bark, often in mottled patches of white, light grey, light brown light yellow and pink. Old layers of bark come of in flakes, and it is not uncommon for a few flakes to persist on the trunk for a long time. Young stems may be round or square in cross-section.