borosilicate glass bekear 50 ml to 1000ml
Reagent bottles, also known as media bottles or graduated bottles, are containers made of glass, plastic, borosilicate or related substances, and topped by special caps or stoppers. They are intended to contain chemicals in liquid or powder form for laboratories and stored in cabinets ,60ml,125ml,250ml,500ml,1000ml,2000ml Reagent bottles size
An instrument used to obtain an enlarged image of small objects and reveal details of structure not otherwise distinguishable. The light path of a darkfield microscope. ... binocular microscope one with two eyepieces, permitting use of both eyes simultaneously.
Student Compound Microscope Are Widely Known For Its Durability And Quality. Student Compound Microscope Can Be Availed At Most Reasonable Price. Body : Monocular Tube, Inclinable Upto 90-Degrees, 10X 40 X Objactive &5x,10x eye pic.
Monocular microscope in 5x,10x,40x,100x with oil objactive lens ,10x w/f,led light in base, three motion slide working by rack pinoin with knob.
Dissecting microscope is used to view three-dimensional objects and larger specimens, with a maximum magnification of 10x,20x. This type of microscope might be used to study external features on an object or to examine structures not easily mounted onto flat slides.
human torso model helps students learn more about human anatomy, body structures, and how organs and systems interact. It features the brain, skull, heart, rib cage, lungs, liver, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, and spine.
Traveling Microscope With horizontal and vertical scales. The bed is of cast iron and accurately machined. The horizontal carriage is machined and inters ground on the guide ways of the horizontal bed. The carriage is fitted with vertical brass pillar carrying a microscope tube on a ground fitted vertical carriage. The base is fitting with two leveling screws Horizontal scale is 20cms and vertical 15cms. Long. Both the horizontal scale and vertical carriages are provided with slow motions, which travels app. 3cms in one traverse. Microscope tube is provided with rack & pinion. A milk white Perspex platform is provided on the horizontal bed. Vernier constant 0.001cms. Complete in well-polished wooden case. Having stainless steel scale.
Stereo binocular microscope with 2x ,4x dual objactive lens,15x w/f eye piecses pair,dual led light base & arms,binocular head moving 360 degree , total magnification 30x,60x ,material Aluminium
stereo binocular microscope with 2x ,4x dual objactive lens,15x w/f eye piecses pair,dual led light base & arms,binocular head moving 360 degree , total magnification 30x,60x ,material Aluminium