Strictly production control: Our Company has obtained ISO9001 certificate, all the manhole cover is produced strictly according to the BS EN 124 standard.
Long service life: Through the adoption of high performance resin, fiberglass and unique technology, the infiltration of resin in fiberglass is ensured, which greatly enhanced the bonding of resin and fiberglass. Under the prescriptive actual load and frequency, the service life of product is more than 20 years.
Good wear resistance: The sound structural design and the adoption of high wearing resistant materials effective prevent the wearing of key component of manhole cover when using.
Excellent aging resistance: The property of composite material and the adding of special anti-ultraviolet radiation agent make the product have excellent light stability and moisture resistance.
Anti-theft performance: The manhole cover is made from heat fixity composite materials, with no reinforcing steel bars and no recoverable values. Therefore, it radically solves the tough problem of being stolen as cast iron manhole cover.
Convenient service performance: The weight of the manhole cover is only one-third of the cast iron manhole cover. Therefore, it's easy to installation and routine inspections; It overcome the problems of bouncing and collision which happened in cast iron manhole cover using; The appearance of the manhole cover is exquisite and handsome, you can choose the color which is harmonious with environment.