Title: 100% Cotton fabric & Intimate Cotton blend fabric
For the Cotton quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Cotton Fabric
Cotton Bamboo Fabric
Cotton Linen Fabric
Cotton Viscose Fabric
Cotton Excel Fabric
Cotton Recycled polyester Fabric
Cotton Virgin polyester Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63
100% Excel fabric & Intimate Excel blend fabric
For the Excel quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Excel Fabric
Excel Bamboo Fabric
Excel Linen Fabric
Excel Tencil Fabric
Excel Recycled polyester Fabric
Excel Cotton Fabric
Excel Virgin polyester Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63, 122
Title: 100% Linen fabric & Intimate Linen blend fabric
For the Linen quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Linen Fabric
Linen Bamboo Fabric
Linen Viscose Fabric
Linen Excel Fabric
Linen Recycled polyester Fabric
Linen Cotton Fabric
Linen Virgin polyester Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63, 122
Title: 100% Recycled Polyester fabric & Intimate Recycled Polyester blend fabric
For the Recycled Polyester quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Recycled Polyester Fabric
Recycled Polyester Bamboo Fabric
Recycled Polyester Linen Fabric
Recycled Polyester Excel Fabric
Recycled Polyester Viscose Fabric
Recycled Polyester Cotton Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63, 122
Title: 100% Tencil fabric & Intimate Tencil blend fabric
For the Tencil quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Tencil Fabric
Tencil Bamboo Fabric
Tencil Linen Fabric
Tencil Excel Fabric
Tencil Recycled polyester Fabric
Tencil Cotton Fabric
Tencil Virgin polyester Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63, 122
Title: 100% Virgin Polyester fabric & Intimate Virgin Polyester blend fabric
For the Virgin Polyester quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Virgin Polyester Fabric
Virgin Polyester Bamboo Fabric
Virgin Polyester Linen Fabric
Virgin Polyester Excel Fabric
Virgin Polyester Viscose Fabric
Virgin Polyester Cotton Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63, 122
Title: 100% Bamboo fabric & Intimate bamboo blend fabric
For the bamboo quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Bamboo Fabric
Bamboo Linen Fabric
Bamboo Viscose Fabric
Bamboo Excel Fabric
Bamboo Recycled polyester Fabric
Bamboo Cotton Fabric
Bamboo Virgin polyester Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44,, 54, 58, 63, 122
Title: 100% Viscose fabric & Intimate Viscose blend fabric
For the Viscose quality, we have the following offerings:
100% Viscose Fabric
Viscose Bamboo Fabric
Viscose Linen Fabric
Viscose Excel Fabric
Viscose Recycled polyester Fabric
Viscose Cotton Fabric
Viscose Virgin polyester Fabric
Other blends as required can be developed
Sample: Available; cost to be borne by buyer
Yardage: Can be manufactured; cost to be borne by buyer
Width Availability: 36, 44, 54, 58, 63, 122