CAS NO 7647-15-6 Molar mass 102.89 g/mol
1. Description White crystalline powder
2. Appearance of 10% solution Clear and colourless
3. Assay as NaBr % (on dry basis) > 99.00
4. pH 5% Solution 5.50-8.00
5. Chloride % w/w < 0.50
6. Sulphate (SO4-) % < 0.03
7. Bromate % < 0.001
8. Loss on Drying % w/w < 0.50
9. Iron (Fe), ppm < 10.00
CAS NO 7726-95-6 Molar mass 159.80 g/mol
Sl. No Test Parameter Specification
1 Description Reddish-brown fuming liquid
2 Assay (as Br2) % by mass > 99.50
3 Chlorine ( as Cl-) % by mass < 0.20 %
4 Sulphates ( as SO4-) % by mass < 0.01 %
5 Iodine ( as I-) % by mass < 0.05 %
6 Non-volatile matter % by mass < 0.01 %
7 Moisture % by mass < 0.05 %
8 Relative Density at 25 C 3.10
CAS NO 7550-35-8 Molar mass 86.845 g/mol
Description Liquid
Appearance of 10 % Solution Clear and Colourless
Assay as LiBr , % w/w 54.5 â?? 55.5
Calicium (as Ca), % < 0.006
Magnesium (as Mg), % < 0.003
Sulphate (as SO4), % < 0.036
CAS NO 7758-01-2 Molar mass 167 g/mol
1. Description White crystalline powder
2. Appearance of 5% solution Clear and colourless
3. Solubility Soluble in water
4. Assay as KBrO3 % (on dry basis) > 99.50
5. Moisture, % < 0.50
6. Bromide (as Br-) , % < 0.05
7. pH of 5 % Solution 6.00 9.00
CAS NO 7758-02-3 Molar mass 119 g/mol
1. Description White crystalline powder
2. Appearance of 10% solution Clear and colourless
3. Assay as KBr % (on dry basis) > 99.00
4. pH 5% Solution 6.00-8.00
5. Chloride % w/w < 0.50
6. Sulphate (SO4 -) % < 0.03
7. Bromate % < 0.001
8. Loss on drying, % < 0.50
9. Iron (Fe), ppm < 10.0
CAS NO 7789-38-0 Molar mass 150.89 g/mol
1. Description White crystalline powder
2. Appearance of 10% solution Clear and colourless
3. Assay as NaBrO3 % (on dry basis) > 99.50
4. Loss on Drying % < 0.50
5. Bromide (as Br-) , % < 0.05
6. pH of 5 % Solution 6.00 9.00