CPU : 8 Bit Microprocessor, the 8085
Memory : Total on board capacity of 64K bytes
RAM : 8K/32K bytes and space for further expansion
ROM : 8K bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful program
Timer : 16bit programmable timer/counter using 8253
I/O : 24 I/O lines using 8255
Keyboard : 10 keys for command 16 keys for hexadecimal data entry 1 key for vector interrupt & 1key for reset
LED Display : 6 seven segment display (4 for address field & 2 for data field)
Bus : All data, address and control signals (TTL compatible available at FRC connector)
Interface : RS-232-C through SID/SOD lines with auto baud rate (optional)
Power requirement : 220 VAC +10%, 50Hz
Standard Accessories : Power Chord & Instruction Manual
89C51RD2 Microcontroller
On Board Relay
On Board Opto Isolator I/F
On Board 16*2 LCD
On Board ADC and DAC
On Board Seven Segment Display
On Board Steppe Motor Interface
On Board Assembler
On Board USB Interface
With built in Power Supply
Enclosed in Wooden / Plastic Box
. Supplied with USB Cable & Software