In spring at the time of its maturity, the Lemon fruit becomes of form harmoniously oval and average gauge. The color of the skin is yellow, with a very scented peel. Lemon has yellow skin. Very acid pulp offers an abundant juice which returns this fruit very appreciated of culinary use. Medilife company provides lemon of high-end quality .
Nutritional Values of Lemon :
Energy intake for 100 g : 39,1 kcal //166 KJ
Carbohydrates 2.5 g
Proteins 0.84 g
Lipids 0.7 g
Sugar 2.85 g
Water 88.5 g
Dietary fiber 2.1 g
Vitamin C 52 mg
Vitamin E 0.48 mg
Vitamin B5 0.21 mg
flavonoids 36.89 mg
lignans 0.02 mg
Minerals and trace elements:
Calcium 13.7 mg
Magnesium 8.54 mg
Phosphorus 18.4 mg
Potassium 157 mg
Sodium 0.99 mg
Zinc 0.054 mg
Shipping by Air or Sea
Red Onion, Yellow Onion , Peeled Onion
Diameters: 3.0-5.0cm, 4.0-6.0cm, 5.0-7.0cm, 6.0-8.0cm, 8.0-10cm and up