The function of this machine is to remove stones from the grains and seeds. When seeds and grains are harvested in the field, usually mud particles and small stones get mixed and form almost 5 to 7 per cent by weight.
Accurate setting of this machine can remove most of the stones with ease. Machine is powered electrically and driven by a motor. An AC variable Frequency drive with an AC motor controls the deck vibration.
This machine has almost 20,000 Stainless Needles and does a wonderful job of separating cotton seeds. Cotton is a cash crop of the Indian agriculture. Many farmers around the country sow cotton crop and hence quality of the cottonseed is most important.
Needle Sorter is one of the important machines in cotton seed processing. It separates the Pin Hole seed and cut seed from the lot of averagely processed seeds. The removal of pin hole seeds and cut seeds enhance the quality of the processed seed.
Pin hole seed and cut seed form almost 5% to 7% quantity in the seed lot. The machine is also used for Okra seed cleaning.
It is a very useful machine to separate seeds or grains of same size but different in weight.
Usually seeds or grains do not develop in a uniform manner and hence some seeds are light and some heavy in weight. Non-uniform developed seeds do not germinate properly and thereby reduces the output of the farm.
The gravity separator separates such seeds into three fractions, uniformly heavy seed, rejects seeds and moderately developed seeds. The machine blows air through a mass of seed traveling from one end of the deck to another. The deck, a wire mesh bed vibrates the seed and causes stratification of seed into light, medium and heavy material.