We have a variety of products including fresh oranges, mangos, apples cherries in different qualities.
Small Berri Honey is committed to ensuring the highest quality of honey from the earliest stages of harvest. This ensures 100% pure organic honey remains a safe and nutritious typed of food or delicacy for our customers. Our natural and non-invasive methods of bee keeping are how we process our honey. Our company uses simple tools, a little smoke and delicate knifes instead of machinery that could hurt our bees. The luscious honey is then poured, unheated and raw, into containers, thus preserving its healthy live enzymatic constituents.
we have best quality pine nuts from pakistan. we have wide quantity range of pakistan pine nuts at lowest prices which wil fulfil every buyer needs. We are proposing four quality grades of pakistan pine nuts:
-Pine nuts in shell
Pine nuts kernels
Roasted pine nuts
Roasted pine nuts krenels