Sari Bumi Pasuruan is a natural herbal stomach acid made from extracts of more than 40 types of fruit and liquid herbal plants that have been fermented by Herbal Experts AG Pasuruan. This liquid herb has been trusted by thousands of customers to recover from stomach acid since 2017 until now 2022. Price is 120$ / jerrycan 1 kg, For natural gastric acid healing, you need 3 jerrycans. How to drink: 3 tablespoons of liquid herbs + half a glass of warm water + honey / sugar according to taste. Drink regularly 3 times a day until fully recovered naturally. For recovering stomach acid, it usually needs 3 jerrycan.
Price are following existed Stocks after harvesting, The Price renewed on Feb 25th , 2023 :
30 USD/kg.
270 USD/ 10 kg
2500 USS/ 100 kg
20,000 USD/ton.
Packing available : 1 kg Jerrycan, 10 kg Jerrycan, 20 kg Jerrycan.
Best Regards,
AG Pasuruan
Price 100 USD for each 10 KGs.
Pure 100%
Powder Herbs and Spices :
1. turmeric, 2. temulawak, 3. ginger, 4. galangal, 5. soursop leaves, 6. moringa leaves, etc as buyer want to order herbs and spices from Indonesia.
Pure 100% Natural Organic Powder Turmeric from The Price is FOB The Price is 40$ / kg. Minimum Buying 10 kg.