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Merinea Wojciech Warm

Member From Poland

Ingredients: Boron-6%(B)+Zinc-1%(Zn) Biochelate

Frost resistant, liquid, biocide mixture applied to both soil and leaves

A highly concentrated fertilizer suitable for application onto plant leaves and roots as well as into soils characterized by boron and zinc deficiencies. Suitable for agricultural and home cultivation.

Application: grains, flax, hop, corn and leguminous plants


increases frost and drought resistance of plants,

prevents premature leaf fall and hyperpigmentation,

stimulates the plant growth process,

benefits the development of buds,

plays a major role in the metabolism and protein synthesis,

use of zinc fertilizers leads to a crop increase.

Ingredients: Boron 9%(B) water-dilutable

Frost resistant, liquid mixture applied to both soil and leaves

A highly concentrated fertilizer applied to plant leaves, designed to supply plants with micro ingredients on soils characterized by boron deficiency.

It is recommended for garden plants, leguminous plants, and industrial-level cultivation.

potatoes, red beets, white beets, rape, tomatoes, carrots, and cabbage.


the necessary element for agricultural cultivations,

ensures proper carbohydrate metabolism,

prevents leaf fall, and stimulates plant growth,

prevents drying and cracking of bark,

increases the ability to absorb elements (potassium, phosphor, nitrogen),

increases crop quantity and quality.

The patented Ecological hydrated organometallic catalyst for solid, liquid and gas fuels REDOX CO / 12
dosed in an amount of about 0.5 kg / Ton of gas, heating oil, diesel, gasoline, wood, hard coal, and lignite:

- gives surprisingly large economic effects and protection of the natural environment,
- reduces fuel consumption by 5-15%,
- reduces the emission of toxic gases (CO and NOx) by 40-75%,
- increases the efficiency of energy devices by 5-10%,
- ensures maintenance of internal heating surfaces without scale and tarnish.

The innovative metal-organic catalyst burns (completely neutralizes) highly toxic, carcinogenic dioxins (PCDD) and furans (PCDFs).
Novel inventions will limit the non-investment reduction of up to 90% of dust (ash, carcinogenic soot) -SMOG. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smog causes asthma, lung cancer, and heart disease, as well as haze, which reduces visibility.
Pollutants contained in the air migrate to the soil and waters, causing contamination of the entire ecosystem, and ultimately go to our digestive system and blood vessels.
Application areas: all economic sectors, especially energy, heavy industry, machinery, light, agri-food municipal waste incineration plants, hospital waste incinerators and others. Road, sea, heavy road and other transport.

Highly concentrated, efficient and extremely effective multi-purpose disinfectant based on subnanoionic technology. We are looking for distributors/resellers. Made in Poland.
EX SILVER 250P is an agent for removing all types of bacteria, fungi, yeast and mould. Itshows bactericidal and fungicidal activity among others against: Legionellapneumophila, Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Enterococcushirae, Staphylococcusaureus, Candida albicans, Aspergillus brasiliensis (niger), Botrytiscinerea (Grey mould).
Used For disinfection of water intended for human and animal consumption.
for disinfection of potable water systems
for disinfection and protection of process water systems
for disinfection of devices, containers, kitchenware, surfaces and pipelines related to theprocess of manufacturing, transport, storage and consumption of food and feed
for disinfection and fumigation of walls and floors
for disinfection and fumigation of surfaces, materials, equipment and furniture
for spray disinfection and fumigation of rooms and surfaces
for disinfection and fumigation of objects through immersion
for water treatment in swimming pools, jacuzzi and other water bodies
for disinfection and fumigation of air-conditioning systems
for destroying mould on the surfaces of building structures.

Ingredients: BORON-6%(B) + MANGANESE-1%(Mn) Biochelate

Frost resistant, liquid, biocide mixture applied to both soil and leaves

Highly concentrated fertilizer suitable for application onto plant leaves and roots as well as into soils characterized by boron and manganese deficiencies Suitable for agricultural and home cultivation.

Application: grains, beetroots, and potatoes


prevents premature leaf fall and hyperpigmentation (chlorosis),

enhances the functioning of stems, roots and the whole plant,

protects plants from a loss of vitamin C,

prevents the loss of carbon dioxide,

stimulates plant growth and development, increases the quality of crops.

Ingredients: Boron-6%(B)+Copper-1%(Cu) Biochelate

Frost resistant, liquid, biocide mixture applied to both soil and leaves

A highly concentrated fertilizer suitable for application onto plant leaves and roots as well as into soils characterized by boron and copper deficiencies. Plants particularly vulnerable to boron and copper deficiency include both agricultural and garden plants.

grains, corn, beetroots, garden plants and fruit trees.


prevents root rot and leaf gangrene,

strengthens leaves,

prevents chlorosis and necrosis,

prevents leaf deformation and increases the number of seeds.

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