We offer a comprehensive range of premium palm oil products, including:
- Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
- Refined Palm Oil (CP4, CP6, CP8, CP10, CP12)
- Palm Olein
Our palm oil products are available in bulk quantities, and we can tailor them to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether you require different grades, packaging, or shipment options, we are here to accommodate. Prices vary depending on product type, order quantity, and destination.
For detailed pricing and any inquiries, feel free to contact us directly. We ready to provide competitive quotes and customized shipping solutions, ensuring smooth and timely deliveries.
We provide a diverse range of high-quality timber and lumber products, tailored to meet your specific needs. Our offerings include various timber species suitable for construction, furniture, and other applications. Prices may vary depending on the wood species, size, and order volume, allowing us to offer you competitive rates.
Our Timber Range Includes:
Light Hardwood:
(Shorea macroptera, Pithecellobium spp, Scaphium spp, Lauraceae spp, Pentace spp, Burseraceae spp, Dyera spp, Mangifera spp, Gonystylus spp, Shorea spp, Annonaceae spp, Shorea uliginosa, Hevea brasiliensis, Sapotaceae spp, Anisoptera spp, Sindora spp, Parashorea spp, Alstonia spp, Parkia spp, Cratoxylum spp, Durio spp, Neesia spp, Calophyllum spp, Endospermum spp, Artocarpus spp, Myristicaceae spp, Lophopetalum spp, Campnosperma spp)
Softwood (Conifers):
(Agathis borneensis, Podocarpus spp)
Medium Hardwood:
(Scorodocarpus borneensis, Dipterocarpus spp, Koompassia malaccensis, Heritiera spp, Swintonia spp, Carallia spp, Kokoona spp, Gluta spp, Tetramerista glabra, Dillenia spp, Pometia spp, Eugenia spp, Artocarpus spp, Dryobalanops spp, Hopea spp)
Heavy Hardwood:
(Shorea spp, Madhuca utilis, Palaquium ridleyi, Neobalanocarpus heimii, Hopea spp, Intsia palembanica, Fagraea spp, Vatica spp, Dialium spp, Cynometra spp)
For precise and competitive pricing based on your timber type and quantity, please contact us directly. We are happy to assist in finding the best solution for your project needs.