Category - Fungicides , Product Brand - Perfect M-45
Category- Fungicides , Chemical Content - Sulphur 80% WDG, Brand - Perfect - Vet
Category - Plant Growth Regulator, Contect - Mixing of Humic Acid and Water, Brand- Perfect Humic
Category - fungicides, content - copper oxychloride 50% wp , brand - perfect coc
Category - insecticides, content - difenthiuron 50% wp, brand- perfect flykill wp
Category- Insecticides , Chemical Content - Monocrotophos 36% SL , Brand - Perfect Permono
Category- Insecticides, Chemical Content- Acetamipride 20% SP, Brand - Perfect-Perpride
Category - Herbicides, Chemical Content- Metsulfuron Methyl 20% WP, Brand - Perfect -Perfectmet
Category- Insecticides, Chemical Content - Emamectin Benzoater 5% SG, Brand - Perfect Benzo
Category- fungicides, content- thiophanate methyl 70% wp, brand - perfect thioper
Category - Insecticides, Chemical Content- Chlorpyriphos 20% EC, Brand - Perfect - Perfban
Category - Weedicides, Chemical Content- Glyphosate 41% SL, Brand - Perfect Glyup
Category - insecticides, content - profenophos 50% ec, brand - perfect percron
Category - insecticides, content - imadaclopride 17.8% sl, brand- perfect permida
Category- insecticides, content- buprofezin 25% sc, brand - perfect buypro
Category- insecticides, content - lambda cyhalothrin 5% ec , brand - perfect lanz
Category- insecticides, content- triazophos 40% ec . Brand- perfect tropic
Category- fungicides, content - validamycin 3% l , brand- perfect weelcin
Category - insecticides, content - fipronil 5% sc, brand- perfect fiproper
Category- plant growth regulator, content- gibberellic 0.186% sp, brand - perfect gibb sp
Category - Fungicides, Content - Hexaconazole 5% SC, Brand - Perfect Hexa
Category- insecticides, content- pendimithyline 30% ec , brand - perfect perpendy
Category- insecticides, content -fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9.3% ec, brand - perfect fenoxaper
Category- fungicides, content - tricychlazole 75% wp, brand- perfect starz 75 wp