N-15 and its labelled compounds
N-15 labelled compounds as tracer nitrogen atoms are used extensively in various fields, such as agriculture, medicine, pharmacology, biology and chemistry.Various 15N-labelled compounds with different abundance can be produced, and its typical products are list below. Its solid products are in the form of white powder, with a chemical purity of 98--99%.
Compound Atom Enrichment
Ammonium Bicarbonate(15NH4HCO3) 5%-99%
Ammonium Chloride(15NH4CL) 5%-99%
Ammonium Dibasic((15NH4)2HPO4) 5%-99%
Ammonium Dihydrgen(15NH4H2PO4) 5%-99%
Ammonium Hydroxide(15NH4OH) 5%-99%
Ammonium Nitrate(NH415NO3,15NH4NO3,15NH415NO3) 5%-99%
Ammonium Sulphate((15NH4)2SO4) 5%-99%
Calcium Nitrate(Ca(15NO3)2 )5%-99%
Potassium Nitrate(K15NO3) 5%-99%
Sodium Nitrate(Na15NO3) 5%-99%
Sodium Nitrite(Na15NO2) 5%-99%
Urea((15NH2)2CO) 5%-99%
10g/plastic bottle, 50g/plastic bottle, 500g/plastic bottle
Poly(ethylene oxide)
Poly(ethylene oxide) resins are high molecular weight homoploymers produced by the heterogeneous catalytic polymerisation of ethylene oxide.The resins are characterised by the structural formula:hoch2ch2o(ch2ch2o)nh.Poly(ethylene oxide) is water soluble resins.Aqueous solutions with low concentrations are very tacky and sticky. Poly(ethylene oxide) can used as long fibre dispersing agent in manufacture of paper, adhesives, friction reduction agent, flocculating agents, thickecing agents and lubricants and so on.
Semblance: white powder or white grain
Melt point: 66+~70
Thermal decomposition point: 423-425
Ignition residue(wt): <2%
Apparent density: 0.2 g/cm3~0.3 g/cm3
Ph of aqueous solution: neutrality to weak basically
Molecular weights: 4x106~5x105
1kg/bag, 10kgs/cardboard case
Filter drier