We are offering high quality Hardwood Charcoal.
1. Product Information
The characteristics of woodcharcoal:
(1) smokeless, odorless and sparkless
(2) good in glossiness raw material large-leaf or small-leaf stone bead wood or chestnut processing technique it is made by the high-temperature processing of 1000° C in the unique traditional kiln.
(3) Heat value 8500 Kcal/kg, ash content 2,57% fixed carbon 90% moisture burning time > 4 hours
2. Specification
2.1. Raw material : pure indonesian wood alaban
2.2. Processing technique : It is made by the high-temperature processing of 1000°C in the unique traditional kiln
2.3. Heat value : 8500 Kcal
2.4. Ash content : 2,57 %
2.5. Fixed carbon : 90%
2.6. Moisture : <4%
2.7. Burning time : 4 hours/kg
3. Price Per Ton of Wood Charcoal
3.1.Smokeless, odorless and sparkless
3.2 Good raw materials of barbecue
3.3.Favorable price