We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Engaged in Manufacturing of Guar Gum Plants Machinery to Convey the Material.The plant has been configured and designed in such a way that minimum work force will require. The guar split will be fed in to the pneumatic system to feed in to the turbo screen. The turbo screen is suggested at the high of plant. The screening will be employed for the removal of foreign matter. This screened material will be stored in a storage hopper. The guar splits will fall from the screens by gravity to the storage hopper, which is configured below the screen. From storage hopper material can be taken in to double cone mixer as and when required by gravity for the rehydrating of guar splits.
All the rehydrated guar split will be sent to the hopper of Flakers at a time by gravity. Flakers will crush the guar splits and crushed guar splits will go into the ultrafine grinder at the uniform rate.
Ultrafine grinder is proposed for the grinding of crushed guar splits. This grinder has ability to grind the material without generating too much heat. Material will be fed into the dryer. Oil will be the media to convey the heat and deliver to the air. This hot air will take the material into the dryer line where actual drying will take place. Attached cyclone system will separate the material and hot air. To heat the oil Thermal boiler will be used.
The material will be screened through centrifugal screen. Material passing through the screen will be again screened through turbo screens as additional control. This material will be sold as a premium product. Oversize of the centrifugal screen will be screened through turbo screen to separate another grade in terms of particle size followed by additional screening. The oversize will be screened through another turbo screen to separate another grade. Oversize will be passed through another grinder. The material will be passed through another screen. Oversize will be recycled to the same grinder.
Final material coming out from all the screens will be sent separately by gravity in to the Nauta mixer for the blending and to make a uniform lot. The products will be tested and packed.
The plant can be operated by 2 skill workers in a shift. The loading/unloading and the packing of the final product can be done on contract basis.
We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Engaged in Manufacturing of CMC Plants Machinery to Convey the Material.First cellulose react with caustic to form alkali cellulose then react with mono chloro acetic acid or it’s salt from sodium carboxy methyl cellulose. During the reaction of alkali cellulose with etherification agents and in the subsequent reactions, sodium chloride (common salt) is produced as a major by-product. This is washed out together with any other byproducts or, in the case of technical-grade NaCMC, left in the product. The dried cellulose ethers are then processed into granular or powder products and in some cases modified with other additives.
We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Engaged in Manufacturing of Impact Pulverizer to grind the Material.An extra heavily constructed machine designed to pulverize even rocks and minerals of medium hardness. Fineness, ranging among 100 meshes to 300 meshes (150 to 50 microns) and in some cases even 500 meshes. Non concrete foundation - frame with AVM pads may be provided. The equipment is suitable for medium hard minerals, chemicals, bulk drugs, coal, paints, dyes and pigments, herbs, seed, etc.
We ultra febtech - an iso 9001:2008 certified company engaged in manufacturing of ultrafine pulverizer to grind the material.A unique equipment to handle the mass that is most difficult to grind. It gives the desired fineness with a very high capacity and that too at lower power consumption. No special feeding systems such as screw conveyor or rotating valve is required. It pulls the material in, due to high suction of air and throws in high vertical discharge pipeline makes even drying possible with in the same equipment. Less maintenance makes the operation of grinder unstoppable. The equipment is available in vertically mounted or horizontally mounted on tough frame. Various capacities are available.
We Ultra Febtech Pvt. Ltd. pleased to introduce Ultra Grinding Mill (UGM Mill) system which is used to grind different spices like Turmeric, Chili, coriander etc. In our UGM Mill system Spice will be grinded in single cutting - with latest technology - controlled by synchronized control panel. UGM mill system designed as dust proof system to reduce the loss and clean the environment. it's a close circuit condition, so it required 2 - 3 Persons to operate. This system designed as cooled the material hence, no color changes / property changes in your material;
UGM mill system grinds the material with desired mesh size, hence there is no screening system required separately.
We already supplied the such systems for spices and running successfully till date. We are also having a trial base model of such UGM mill system at our Ahmedabad based company; we are pleased to welcome you for the site visit to see the manufacturing facilities & the UGM mill and other equipments which are under manufacturing stage at our workshop.
We Ultra Febtech pvt. ltd. company engaged in machinery manufacturing of size reduction, gradation & mixing equipments based at Ahmedabad (Gujarat - India) since 1990.
With reference to your valuable enquiry of flour mill Besan plant machinery; hereby we are pleased to introduce our Ultra Grinding Mill system, which is screen less. The system consists classifier where the fine particles of desired size are segregated. UGM mill working on Air friction base with a fan provided which cooled the material. UGM System designed with latest technology - controlled by synchronized control panel. UGM mill system designed as dust proof system to reduce the loss and clean the environment. it's a close circuit condition, so it required 2 - 3 Persons to operate. This system designed as cooled the material hence, no color changes / property changes in your material; UGM mill system grinds the material with desired mesh size, hence there is no screening system required separately and no any 2nd / 3rd quality output of material. We have established a note worthy status among the Ultra Grinding Mill Manufacturers in India. We bring for the clients Ultra Grinding mill of exceptional quality at cost-effective price.
We already supplied such UGM Mill system for Besan plant & running successfully till date. we are having a trial facility with demo system at our Ahmedabad based company; which will helps to suggest most suitable model from our range of products.
We Ultra Febtech - An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Engaged in Manufacturing of TKP Plants Machinery to Convey the Material.The Plant has been configured keeping in mind minimum manual operation. The material will be fed into the pneumatic system and will be conveyed to the reactors. The one hold up hopper (Storage feeder) will help to save the time between two batches.
Raw material Tamarind kernel Powder / seeds is treated with the chemicals as described in the process in the reactor. For effective use of the plant, two reactors are suggested with medium size s those are more convenient and economical to use. To add chemicals, three metering tanks are suggested. To maintain temperature or to increase temperature of the material in the reactor, hot water tank is provided. This hot water tank is equipped with coils to maintain the desired temperature of the water. The reacted mass is sent to the ultrafine grinder. Ultrafine grinder can grind the material with minimum thermal degradation compared to other grinders. Material coming out from the grinder will have high moisture due to addition of moisture in the reaction stage.
The reacted mass is sent to the ultrafine grinder. Ultrafine grinder can grind the material with minimum thermal degradation compared to other grinders. Material coming out from the grinder will have high moisture due to addition of moisture in the reaction stage. The material is dried in the dryer tube by hot air generated by thermal fluid boiler (Mentioned as radiator). From the system hot air will be sent out from dust collectors and the material will be collected in the first cyclone. The dried material is passed through centrifugal screen to confirm correct particle size. Finally material is sent to powder blender, essentially a ribbon blender of about 5 MT capacities. The different batches are to blended and converted into a large batch. The addition of Biocide and any other additives (if required) is carried out in the powder blender.
The product will be packed either by manually or by automatic machine. To run the plant, two skilled and four unskilled workmen are required. One skilled workman at reactor and another to look after other operations of the plant. Two unskilled workmen are required for loading of raw material and remaining two will be required in packing area. Instead of having unskilled workmen, the possibility of having contact labour can be explored.