Please note that all the above prices are our direct warehouse prices and does not include any processing or local transport and cutting service cost.
Buyers will have to arrange for their own local processing company to process materials and make them available in the port of loading for seller to take over to shipment.
Seller can only assist buyer to link him up to any available local processing company for the actual fact that buyers are not here in south africa and does not have any idea or knows any processing company.
Buyers are also allowed to bring their own processing company to south africa to take on the processing service. All cost of materials processing of any kind will be buyer own separate cost and buyer should treat the cost of materials processing absolutely separate from the price of the materials.
All prices given are cif price excluding materials processing cost (take a very note of that)
According to the our cif price terms, seller company will be responsible for only all local governmental taxes impose, insurances value of 110%, and ucb inspection cost and final shipping cost to buyer port.
Cut and containerized or bulk