Portland cement 42. is widely used in construction , civil engineering and highway building. Our portland 42.5 cement meets the requirement of GB175-1999 of China and is widely welcome in both domestic and foreign customers. Our product meets the ISO 9001 and win a lot of honor in the fiedl of building materials.
Welcome to choose our product wich has best property and price proportion.
Ceramic vacuum pug mill is an equipment to do pugging to ceramic mud. By doing pugging, the air in the ceramic mud is expelled and the mud becomes more matured and better condition for the next processing process. Our ceramic pug mill is simple in design and reliable in operation. It is competittively priced with longer lifespan.
Ceramic roller machine is an equipment to do forming. Our roller machine is simple in design and reliable in operation. With the roller machine, workman can produce more biscuit in higher efficiency.
Ceramic vacuum pug mill is an equipment to do pugging to ceramic mud. By doing pugging, the air in the ceramic mud is expelled and the mud becomes more matured and better condition for the next processing process. Our ceramic pug mill is simple in design and reliable in operation. It is competittively priced with longer lifespan.
Ceramic kiln is an equipment to do burning to the ceramic biscuit. By having the burning, the biscuit complete the oxidization or reductio process and becomes pottery or porcelain. The craftsmen in the filed often say that ceramic kiln is the key equipment and burning process is the key process in ceramic making.