We have two fully automatic machines and four semi-automatic machines for assembly components
Paste printing
Component: smd
Re-flow soldering
Printing press
Chip mounted
Re-flow soldering welding stove
Layers: single and double sided
Copper weight: 0.5-3oz
Board thickness: 0.8-3.0mm
Tracks and space standard > =0.1mm(4mil)
Min hole: 0.4mm(drilled hole), 2.0mm(punched hole)
Surface finish: osp, hasl(lf), enig, plate gold
Layers: 1-4l
Copper weight: 0.5-2 oz
Board thickness range: 0.06-0.3mm
Overlay thickness range: 1/0.5mil
Tracks and space standard: >= 0.1mm (4mil)
Surface finishes: osp, enig and gold-plated
Multilayer standard up to 18 layers
Fr-1/2, cem-1/3, fr-4, high tg fr-4
Copper thickness: 0.5-3 oz
Board thickness: 0.4-3.2mm
Tracks and gaps standard >= 0.1mm
Surface finish: osp, hasl(leaded or unleaded), immersion tin/silver/gold, plate gold
Ball grid arrays
Layers: 1-4l
Copper weight: 0.5-2oz
Board thickness: 0.06-0.3mm
Overlay thickness: 1mil/0.5mil
Tracks and space standard >= 0.1mm(4mil)
Surface finish: osp, enig, plate gold