By separating the water and solids from the sewage, nightsoil, and livestock wastewater sludge as well as the sludge from a concentration and from the dewatering process, this centrfuge maintains a constant cake moisture content and recovery rate.
The Centrifuge can be used in various fields where various types and shapes of contrifuges are needed, such as in the sludge from civil engineering works and in the chemical, food processing, and steel industries.
It is used when the solids are in a poor condition because of extra sedimentation and the mixed sludge from livestock, nightsoil, andsewage treatment plants.
R3V Series Diverty 3-way vane valve.
RFV-L Series Flash valve.
Jacketed glove valve.
RSB series ball valve.
RFB Series ball valve.
RKG Series knife gate33 valve.