Key advantages:
Easy to use and save time
Excellent heat resistance, it can bear 220¡æ for 75 minutes
Low storage and transportation cost
Printing: we can meet the requirements of our clients.
Thickness¡êo12 microns
Style: line sealing pouch
Application¡êomeat , bread or other food needing to be roasted
Key advantages:
Easy to use and save time
Excellent heat resistance, it can bear 220¡æ for 75 minutes
Low storage and transportation cost
Application¡¨ºomeat , bread or other food needing to be roasted
Printing: we can meet the requirements of our clients.
Thickness¡êo12 microns
Style: line sealing pouch
ear 220¡æ for 75 minutes
Low storage and transportation cost
Application¡êomeat , bread or other food needing to be roasted