We are offering blueberry plants.
Berry crops have become one of the most valuable crops in the world due to the high value of nutriceuticals. The blueberry, blackberry, red raspberry, and black raspberry are 4 of the fruits with some of the highest orac values, as well as having fine flavors for eating fresh, juices, or other baked or cooked methods. The market for the berries is fast growing have high profitability for growers.
International standard packaging in cardboard boxes
We are offering blackberry plant.
As in other kinds of bush berries,blackberries too are packed with numerous plant nutrients such as vitamins,minerals,anti-oxidants,and dietary fibers that are essential for optimum health. Blackberries compose significantly high amounts of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals such as anthocyanins,ellagic acid,tannin),quercetin,gallic acid,cyanidins,pelargonidins,catechins,kaempferol and salicylic acid. Scientific studies show that these antioxidant compounds may have potential health benefits against cancer,aging,inflammation,and neurological diseases.
International Standard Packaging in Cardboard Boxes.
We are offering red raspberry plants.
the well-known raspberry,grown so largely for its fruit,grows wild in some parts of great britain. It is a native of many parts of europe. The stems are erect and shrubby,biennial,with creeping perennial roots. It flowers in may and june.the raspberry contains a crystallizable fruit-sugar,a fragrant volatile oil,pectin,citric and malic acids,mineral salts,colouring matter and water. The ripe fruit is fragrant,subacid and cooling: it allays heat and thirst,and is not liable to acetous fermentation in the stomach.
International Standard Packaging