Ganoderma Lucidum Extract, Reishi Mushroom Liquid Extract
Fructose, Glutinous Rice Vinegar, Pineapple Vinegar, Ganoderma Lucidum, Mushroom
One portion of product can be added to five portions of pure water for a beverage that is pleasant to drink. The beverage can be mixed stronger or weaker as desired. Sedimentation is natural part of the product.
Revitalizing element
Fructose, glutinous rice vinegar, ganoderma lucidum, mushroom.
•one portion of product can be added to five portions of pure water for a beverage that is pleasant to drink. The beverage can be mixed stronger or weaker as desired.
•sedimentation is natural part of the product.
Fruit Vinegar - Grape Vinegar, Grape Vinegar Drink
This product is made from Natural Grapes, Sticky Rice Vinegar and Fruit Sugar.
•One portion of product can be added to five portions of pure water for a beverage that is pleasant to drink. The beverage can be mixed stronger or weaker as desired.
•Sedimentation is a natural part of the product please storage in refrigerator or cool place once opened.
Volume:400cc (ml)
Home > Products > Fruit Enzyme, Fruit Vinegar > Fruit Enzymes - Longan Enzyme
Fruit Enzymes - Longan Enzyme, Longan Drink, Longan Extract
Fruit Sugar, Vinegar and Longan
•One portion can be added to five portions of pure water for a beverage that is pleasant to drink. The beverage can be mixed stronger or weaker as desired.
•Sedimentation is a natural part of the product.
Volume:400cc (ml)