These quality scrub gel and cream are formulated from the natural ingredients like pineapple fiber, luffa and coconut powder to gently exfoliate and polish your skin.
There are the quality body scrub in form of gel and cream which are totally made from quality natural thai herbs and certified by Fda of Thailand.
The cream is filled with vitamin e which is suitable for the sensitive skin. Our extra anti-aging formula reduces your skin wrinkle together with skin nourishment.
The lotion is the light lotion formulated for easy skin absorption and daily use. It is for easily smoothen your skin as the intensive skin therapy.
These quality products are totally made from quality natural thai herbs and certified by fda of Thailand.
This oil is not only appropriate to rejuvenate every skin types especially the dry skin but its high antioxidant also improves your skin wrinkle and sagging.
These are the quality massage oil and body treatment oil which are totally made from quality natural herbs and certified by fda of Thailand.
This quality balm helps not only to increase and amplify the blood circulation but it also lessens your stress by the selection of preferred scents. The balm deeply permeates to sooth your muscle.
This is the quality massage balm which is totally made from quality natural herbs and certified by fda of thailand.
Xedible: improves your digestive system, nutrient absorption, immune system recuperation, metabolism speeding and calorie burning enhancement to promote weight loss.
Xhair treatment: nourishes your hair, improves hair strength, enhances the hair shiny and silky and prevents hair loss and dandruff.
Xskin treatment: improves skin health and smoothness and prevents wrinkle and stretch.