2008 toshiba aquilion 16 slice 2008
Available jan/feb
Currently in clinical use
2005 hitachi mercuray cbct
3.0 software package;
Equipment is in excellent working condition
Can be inspected
4 octane, console S/N: 273425CN9, gantry slices:3, 728, 938
March 2010 tube, mas 30.849.820.5, gantry covers, S/W version 2.4.2_h2.4m5, 48cm phantom, 35cm phantom, phantom holder, cradle extender, axil hh, coronal hh, mod’s, mod drive, cables, manuals, monitors
Options:reformat, auto ma, power 440, thin twin helical, helical tilt, recon plus, navigator, 3d, smart speed, smart prep.
Dom: 2004 excellent condition. In clinical use. Will be available at the end of august.
000, functool 2, voxtool, ivi
8ch brain, quad head 4ch ctl array, 4ch nv array, 4ch shoulder array, single large
4ch torso array, extremity knee/foot, quad knee
This system is currently installed and working. Coming out mid december
Can be inspected
2005 Hitachi MercuRay CBCT
3.0 software package;
Equipment is in excellent working condition
Can be inspected