AEGIS manufactures complete dust collection systems for controlling / checking air pollution in a plant / manufacturing unit. Dust collection system can be integral part of our own Bulk Material Handling System or can be installed on existing system creating dusting and polluting the atmosphere.
A typical dust collection system consists of following components.
a) Set of various suction hoods, designed based on dust generation points.
b) Set of ducting, bends and dampers.
c) Cyclone separator.
d) Bag filter ( for dry separation ) or scrubber ( for wet separation )
e) Exhauster.
AEGIS collectors can be classified into two principal groups:
Fabric Filters
The dust is captured on woven or felted fabric as the air passes through. Fabric filters can accept heavy dust burdens, have the highest collection efficiency and are now by far the most important group in industry.
Wet Dedusters
These use centrifugal force, irrigated surfaces and intense self-induced spray zones to catch the dust. They are applied where dust burdens are fairly light, humidity is high or the dust is inflammable or explosive. inqbutton .
These use centrifugal force, irrigated surfaces and intense self-induced spray zones to catch the dust. They are applied where dust burdens are fairly light, humidity is high or the dust is inflammable or explosive.