The Journey Begins
The story of BINON CACAO begins with a journey through the lush cacao farms of Southern Vietnam. The Japanese founders, captivated by the potential and distinctive taste of Vietnamese cacao beans, decided to embark on a mission to produce world-class chocolate that highlights the rich agricultural gift of Vietnam. They saw an opportunity to not only create exceptional chocolate but also to support local farmers and communities.
From Farm to Chocolate
At BINON CACAO, the process starts at the source â?? the cacao farms. The company has own farm in Ba Ria Vung Tau and works closely with local farmers there also, providing them resources needed to cultivate high-quality cacao beans.
Once the beans are harvested, they undergo a meticulous fermentation and drying process, which is crucial for developing their unique flavor profile. The beans are then carefully roasted, ground, and conched in small batches, allowing the natural flavors to shine through. Each chocolate is crafted with precision and care, reflecting the founders' commitment to excellence and their deep respect for the raw materials.
A Mission to Spread Happiness
With every bite, the world is invited to taste the essence of Vietnam. BINON CACAO spreads happiness through cacao, creating a positive impact of flavor that transcends borders and touches hearts.