Services: Professional legal services
Services: Employment verifications, workers compensation claims, workers compensation claims, due diligence services, counterfeit investigations, skiptracing, recovery of money, assets verification, mystery shopping, under cover operation, insurance claims
Services: Copyright and design registration, domain name registration and renewals, advice on assignments, licensing and technology transfers, advisory services on intellectual property protection, translation of intellectual property related documents, research and investigation, maintenance of ip rights through renewals and annuities, publication of cautionary and patent working notices, trademark, watch service, infringement and counterfeiting actions, opposition actions
Services: Legal, security, investigation, network, installations, medical device, catv, cctv
Services: Address checks, employment checks, education checks, police verification, court verification, criminal verification, database check
Services: Our background checks services and collaborative verification approach are underpinned by our own checking and verification methodologies, including company and employment checks, both rigorous frameworks that drive increased speed to market, enhanced recruitment quality, mitigate risk and reduce costs.
Services: Company verification in Asia, due diligence in Indonesia, anti scam b2b company check, supplier data check, anti b2b fraud service
Services: Trademarks, brand names, logo, copyrights, designs, society, NGO, trusts, firms & company (limited and pvt.Limited) registrations other services like human resource consultancy, ISO-certifications, service tax no., sales tax, tin, vat no., ESI, PF, import-export code, license
Services: Legal process offshore outsourcing (lpo) services in the follwing areas: legal research and analysis,
subject matter research, statutory and case law research, compliance regulations research., court docket sheet research and analysis, law-and-economics research, economic analysis of law for litigation, economic analysis of legal issues affecting businesses, developing law-and-economics arguments to support lobbying for new legislation, intellectual property, prior art search in patent applications, preparation of patent, trademark and service mark applications, intellectual property assignment agreements, regulatory compliance, preparation of reports to regulatory agencies, legal document review, contracts and other documents review, legal drafting, contracts covering a full range of agreements / licenses, memoranda and briefs