Supplier: Fire alarm equipments, fire fighting equipments
Services: Security systems, safety systems
Services: Personal security for both lone workers and consumers
Services: Security company consisting mainly of former royal marines commandos and a strong corporate team, we are seeking international corporate or individual clients requiring services such asv close protection, residence security, corporate security, crisis management and training
Services: Tracking cellular phone, ISP, GPRS, security smartcards, geo/localisation
Buyer: Cement bag
Services: Web design, printing, wedding cards, desi tribune USA, colors, clear internet, hum desi radio, CCTV cameras
Services: With our proven track record of 25 years in development, maintenance and consulting services, tmspl is committed to provide solutions and services that help satisfy customers. The service offering include
ä½ customize application development
ä½ website design services
ä½ web development services
ä½ seo & sem services
ä½ database administration
ä½ application testing
ä½ security services
än open source solutions
Supplier: Payroll & access control, automation & parking, smart home solutions, gate security & control
Services: SEO, surveillance solutions, web hosting
Services: Software development, consultancy, security solutions
Buyer: Computer parts, peripherals, networking, electronics security, softwares
Supplier: Security products
Services: Telecom and security conslentcy