Aluminum Sulfate Packing We have three kind of Aluminum-Sulfate Packing : 30Kg bag 25Kg bag 1 Ton Jumbo bag Pleas check album
#Aluminum_Sulfate use for #Aluminum_Sulfate has many different uses in day-to-day life, as well as being used in several essential industries. Interesting uses of aluminum-sulfate around the house are in gardening. Because #aluminum_sulfate is extremely acidic, itâ??s sometimes added to very #alkaline soils to balance the pH for plants. When the #aluminum_sulfate comes into contact with water, it forms #aluminum_hydroxide and a much diluted sulfuric acid solution, which alters the soil acidity. All levels of crude #aluminum_sulfate can be used for water purification and water treatment ; #aluminum_sulfate used for purification cannot be produced by waste acid toxic substances.
#Aluminum_Sulfate use for #Aluminum_Sulfate has many different uses in day-to-day life, as well as being used in several essential industries. Interesting uses of aluminum-sulfate around the house are in gardening. Because #aluminum_sulfate is extremely acidic, itâ??s sometimes added to very #alkaline soils to balance the pH for plants. When the #aluminum_sulfate comes into contact with water, it forms #aluminum_hydroxide and a much diluted sulfuric acid solution, which alters the soil acidity. All levels of crude #aluminum_sulfate can be used for water purification and water treatment ; #aluminum_sulfate used for purification cannot be produced by waste acid toxic substances.
Aluminum Sulfate Formula Formula: Al2(SO4)3 Molar mass: 342.15 g/mol IUPAC ID: Aluminum sulfate Melting point: 770 C Density: 2.67 g/cm Soluble in: Water Aluminum Sulfate Classification: Alum compounds Industrial sulfonic acid. Laboratory sulfonic acid. Molecular formula: .HSO3R Purity: sulfonic acid Appearance: pale gray powder
Aluminum Sulfate
Product Description Aluminum sulfate (Chemical formula: Al2 (SO4) 3) is a widely used industrial reagents. Aluminum sulfate as a flocculant for the purification of drinking water and sewage treatment equipment which is also used in the paper industry. Aluminium Sulfate Application 1.Paper making industry used as paper sizing agents,to enhance paper water--resistant 2. Soluble in water can make tiny particles and natural colloidal particles condensed into large floc, thus remove them from, therefore, used for water and wastewater coagulants. 3. Used for the cleaning agent, also used as a precipitating agent fixing agent filling agent. 4. Fire industry, with baking soda and foaming agent composition foam extinguishing agent. 5. Analysis reagent, mordant, tanning agent, oil decoloring agent, wood preservative. 6. For raw materials, used in the manufacture of artificial stone and senior aluminium ammonium sulfate, other aluminate. Aluminum sulfate, which accounts for about 50% of the total output, is mainly used for papermaking, and the second is used as flocculant in drinking water, industrial water and industrial wastewater treatment, accounting for about 40% of the total output of aluminum sulfate. When aluminum sulfate is added to this kind of water, colloidal aluminum hydroxide flocs can be formed, which can absorb and precipitate bacteria, colloids and other suspended matters. When used in drinking water treatment, the color and taste of water can be controlled.
Aluminium Sulphate available in Lumps 1-4, Powder 30mesh, 60 mesh, 80 mesh..& fine mesh.....50kgs packing Which is useful as a water treatment Chemical, construction chemicals etc