Supplier: Food and beverage, construction material, trucks & cars
Services: Transport, marketing, finance
Buyer: Gold, coffee, fruits and vegetables
Services: Home financing and to help people in identifying the property
Services: Financing
Services: Broker for letter of credit financing, factoring and purchase order financing
Supplier: Used car, clothing, food, machines, electronics, tool, medezin, metals, cement manufacturing plant, hospital
Services: Investment, project financing, foreign exchange
Buyer: Car, buses, clothing, food, used, machines, electronics, tool, medezin, metals, cement manufacturing plant, hospital
Supplier: Lithium, lumber, sugar, cars & trucks, asphalt, oil, lumber, cosmetics products, skin care cream, infant formula, milk powder, grains & cereals, chick peas, lentil, peas, wheat, barley, dried fruits, rice, pasta, couscous, fruits , chicken, pig, cattle
Services: Financing
Buyer: Lithium, sugar, cars & trucks, asphalt & oil, lumber, cosmetics products, skin care cream, infant formula, milk powder, grains & cereals, chick peas, lentil peas, soybean
Supplier: Aircrafts, used and new garments, venture capital
Services: Venture capital
Services: Finance
Services: Finance