ERP software it links all your depts like marketing, materials, inventory, accounts, manufacturing, sales, excise
Windows based, easy to use trading excise sofwtare. This software will take care your excise duty and inventory. Also accounts is given with this software if required. All data transfered to tally and excel.
Browser based online mlm software, unlimited user access, multiple companies run within single software.
Payroll software in chennai / payroll / software / chennai / software development chennai / payroll.
With this software your offices can enter data of sales order from customer, purchase order to supplier, grn (goods received note), issue slip, invoice to customer, bill from supplier details, payment received from customer, payment made to supplier. Here you can prepare and print quotation to customer, purchase order to supplier, grn, issue slip, invoice to customer, purchase order from customer register, customer wise purchase order from customer register, product wise purchase order from customer register, purchase order to supplier register, product wise costing register, supplier wise costing register, stock register, location wise stock register.
This software helps you to understand details of different campaign. And gives you an idea of competitors at different locations. Here you have to enter details of campaign, sales, competition and you can print campaign effectiveness report, sales register, competitor wise competition details, product wise competition details.
With this software your offices can enter data of goods booking, goods dispatch, delivery status, bill preparation and payment receipt. Here you can prepare and print goods booking note, dispatch note, bill to consignor and different reports like g r booking register, location wise g r booking register, dispatch register, location wise dispatch register, pending dispatch register, pending delivery register, payment status register.
With this software package you can manage operation of your warehouses at different locations. Here you can prepare and print space availability at any given point of time, bg availability alert, alert on aging of products per customer, alert on product expiry, alert on bond expiry and application request, pending orders for exbonding, bond wise stock wise availability (per stock per customer), item wise party wise pending orders, zero stock bond, check on slow or non moving items, item wise stock statement, replenishment report.
Web based accounting software, you can access this software from any part of the world, different level user access, multiple companies within single software, data and reports export to access and tally.
Cheque printing software Cheque printing software supports any bank format, it also support any printer setting a cheque is very easy. Reports are also transfer to excel.