Supplier: Mobile phones, parts and accessories
Services: All refurbishing and repairs to mobile phones
Buyer: Mobile phones
Supplier: Mobiles
Services: Repairing of mobiles, interior designer & decorator
Buyer: Mobile, mobile vehicles
Supplier: Mobile handsets, mobile accessories, pulses, metal and scraps, grains, cotton, garments
Services: Mobile repairing
Buyer: Mobile handsets, electronic equipments
Supplier: Electronic products like mobiles
Services: Repair and sell laptop and mobiles
Supplier: Mobile phone spare parts
Services: Repair of nokia and motorla mobiles
Buyer: Mobile phone spare parts, mobile accessories
Services: Repair of mobile rigs and their equipments
Supplier: Mobile phones and related products
Services: T-mobile official dealer and also repair the selected mobile phones.
Buyer: Mobile phones
Supplier: Refurbished mobile and refurbished laptops, repair mobile phone
Buyer: refurbished mobile and refurbished laptops, repair mobile phone
Services: Mobile trailer repair