E-man - school management system û a fully automated software for schools , educational organisations. (in vb , ms access) Features : some of the features of this product are , Accounts Student profile (attendence , mark entry, student performance, etc..) Staff profile Class Fees Hostel management Time-table management
Chirag's kid genius animated educational cds Chirags kid genius is a dream come true for teachers and parents. It is the first animated cd software pack which provides a complete course for a kid who is laying his first steps into the world of education. It provides education as fun filled entertainment yet deftly teaching the child the intricacies of learning, reading and writing english alphabets, hindi swar and numbers. A writing pad is specially designed to teach the child correct way of writing alphabets, hindi swar and numbers Multiple animated examples of each alphabet teach a child that stands not only for apple but also axe, aeroplane and aunt The conversation section allows a child to respond to people in fluent english. My world of knowledge section enables a child to learn about different fruits, vegetables, animals, birds, flowers, colours, objects and nature. Each colour has been thoughtfully identified with many natural objects The real sounds of animals lets a child casually explore the sounds from animal world making him aware of the great animal kingdom. Our morals section instills good manners in a child and respect towards elders, teaches him to keep his toys back, wash hands etc. Animated interactive games help him to test his knowledge in all the course areas and stimulate his brain. It also lets the child make a cartoon, draw lines, curves etc., paint different objects, learn counting and rhymes of english and hindi Last but not the least our effort in bringing out this software with great amount of research through the help of new world, uk shall be rewarded if even half the children benefit from this effort. Let us all teachers and parents lay a strong foundation for our kids so that they will be ready to face the competitions of the world confidently. We claim that none can match our quality, our coverage and our price.
Positive action programs include dvd, goal setting pad and action workbook to encourage a can do attitude, strong self-esteem and develop self confidence. These are a fun learning program. Each unit is a4 size folder and weight aprox 1.4 kg
We are one of the leading Software Company dealt with educational ERP Software package. This is in regards to a educational Software which frees up invaluable of faculty members and academic administrators. It reduces costs by eliminating the need for education institutes to hire and train staff.It is completely web-based and can be rapidly implemented without large, upfront investment in expensive IT infrastructure. It increases students and parent’s satisfaction to receive the automated sms and emails at anytime and anywhere in notification of student’s graduation, attendance, exam schedules etc.
4 page website Total school management erp 1 year hosting Email support Training guide Audio video training guide Unlimited users . One time payment and life time validity.
"Kiwe" the internet suite for kid Excellent product used in hundreds of schools by tens of thousands of students, distributed by major oems, sold online, via bookstores, computer stores, and specialty retailers
Introduction of AI-RCJ AI-CODE is a game-educational, contest-oriented platform, breaking the traditional teaching modes, and studying in game, it enables everyone to elevate his learning level tremendously in active and vivid competitions. The users control robots via specific interfaces, and the compiled robots can be put in the venue to fight with the ones created by the others, then during the match, you may appreciate the happiness this "game" supplies. While playing, the users could proceed with continuous studies in program design and robot strategy algorithms.
Feature 1) ample parts for you to build your own robot at your pleasure. 2) powerful functions, lots of i/o ports on main controller and various sensors, enable you to bring your imagination into full play. 3) usb2.0 download cable makes it easy for program download and pc-robot communication. 4) easy to learn and easy to use. The programming platform can perform functions of icon-base flow chart editing, c-language code editing, and sensor data logging. Thus no matter you are a newcomer or a seasoned robotics hobbyist, you can program as you please. 5) on-line courses, fit for personal learning and training organization. About x-rcu Built-in dot matrix characters lcd. 8 analog ports and 12 digital ports which can be designed as i/o freely. 2 motor ports of high current. Built-in speaker. Low voltage indicator and communication indicator. About sensors and performers Jmp-be-1111 gray scale sensor (2 pieces) Jmp-be-1610a touch sensor (2 pieces) Jmp-be-1510 red led (2 piece) Jmp-be-3548x high-speed motor 3548x (2 pieces) Built-in speaker (inside rcu)
Features: 1) ample parts for you to build your own robot at your pleasure; 2) powerful functions, lots of i/o ports on main controller and various sensors, enable you to bring your imagination into full play; 3) easy to learn and easy to use. The programming platform can perform functions of icon-base flow chart editing, c-language code editing, and sensor data logging. Thus no matter you are a newcomer or a seasoned robotics hobbyist, you can program as you please. 4) this kit, with sufficient sensors, executive components and mechanical parts, can build up various models for teaching in class, such as line tracking robot, hexapod robot, firefighting robot and robocup soccer robot. It is fit for robot education in class and competition. 5) its competence in various competitions could be strengthened by using specific accessories designed for those competitions.
EduERP is an Institute Management Software that helps in smooth and effortless functioning of institutions and school to eliminate complicated operations and run an efficient management. From general administration to academic activities this software covers all facets of educational and training institutions like • Automate Admissions and Registration • Efficient Management of Student Information • Student and Staff attendance • Class and Subject Management • Time table generation • Analyze performance of class and grade • Automated Examination system • Innumerable MIS report generation • Hostel and Lodging management • Salary and Accounts Management • General administration and activities.