Keripik Tempe (Tempeh chips) are foods made from thinly sliced tempeh and then fried using seasoned flour. Usually the taste is salty with a savory onion aroma.
Tempe itself is the result of fermented soybeans which are traditionally processed with Indonesian cultural flavors.
Mr. Hottest Maitos Tortilla Chips.
Available flavour variants Barbeque, Chili Balado, Corn Barbeque. Packing Size 140gr contains 16pcs, and 55gr contain 30pcs. Product is Manufactured by PT. Sentral Multirasa Utama.
Liwayway Oishi Sponge Crunch.
Available in 30 gram and 120 gram packs.
Available flavors: Chocolate, Cheese, Strawberry, Mocha.
Language in Packaging: English, Bahasa Indonesia.
Port of Loading: Semarang, Indonesia.
Note: We could paste sticker on each pack should there is any additional information needed (importer name, information in other language, etc)
Nestle Honey Stars Cereal Pouch 32 gram
Packing Configuration: 1 box = 48 pcs x 32 gram
Language in Packaging: English, Bahasa Indonesia.
Port of Loading: Semarang, Indonesia.
Note: We could paste sticker on each pack should there is any additional information needed (importer name, information in other language, etc)
A bite-size, star-shaped crispy cracker sprinkled with an abundant amount of delicious and savory flavoring, which is baked instead of fried.Packaging = English, Bahasa Indonesia. Port of Loading: Semarang, Indonesia. Note: We could paste sticker on each pack should there is any additional information needed (importer name, information in other language, etc)