Polarization: 99.80% degrees min.
Moisture: 0.04% Max
Ash content: 0.04 Max.
ICUMSA RBU: 45 Maximum
Solubility: 100% dry and free flowing
Color: Crystal White.
Maximum: ICUMSA-45 attenuation index units
Radiation: In the international accepted limits.
Granulation: Fine
Pesticide : None
Magnetic Particles: mg/K4 SO mg/k 20
SO2: 20 PPM
Radiation: Normal certified
Smell: Free of any smell
Reducing Sugar: 0.05% max
Substance: Solid, Crystal max
Max AS: 1 p.p.m
Max PS: 2 p.p.m.
Max CU: 3 p.p.m.
PRODUCTS: WhiteRefinedSugarIncuma45
ORIGIN: Brazil
PRICE: $$$ $ USD per MT. CIF (Price Valid 7 5Days only)-Kindly send LOI
DURATION: 12,500 MT.x 12 Shipment in 1 year.
PACKING: 50 kgs Polypropylene
The above mentioned total quantity shall be shipped and delivered by shipments per Contract Totally 12 Shipments. (12,500 MT x 12 Shipments)
Loading Port:Brazil Port
PAYMENT INSTRUMENT:SBLCMT760OR100%L/CatsightIrrevocableandTransferable :MT103;PaymentiscoveredbyaL/Cin the full contract amount of 150,000MT.The payment
instruments are to be: Irrevocable, transferable All Paymentinstrumentsmust beissued or confirmed by aTop 10 Bank.
White Refined Sugar- Icumsa 45 Rbu Shall Conform to the Following Specifications. The Sugar Being Supplied is 100% Fit for Human Consumption.
Icumsa : 45 Rbu Icumsa
Attenuation Index Units Method # 10-1978
Ash Content : 0.04% Maximum by Weight
Moisture : 0.04% Maximum by Weight
Magnetic Particles : Mg/kg 4
Solubility : 100% Dry & Free Flowing
Granulation : Fine Standard
Polarization : 99.80 Minimum
Max as : 1 P.p.m.
Max Os : 2 P.p.m.
Max Cu : 3 P.p.m.
Colour : Sparkling White
Sediments : None
So : Mg/kg 20
Reducing Sugar : 0.010% Maximum in Dry Mass
Radiation : Normal W/o Presence of Cesium or Iodine So2: Certified
Substance : Solid, Crystal
Smell : Free of Any Smell
Hpn Staph Aureus : Per 1 Gram Nil
Microbiological Limits : Pathogenic Bacteria Including Salmonella Per 1 Gram
Bacillus Per 1 Gram Nil
Pesticide Traces : Maximum Mg/kg Basis Ddt 0.005 Photoxin 0.01 Hexachloran Gamma Isomer 0.005
Crop: : 2013 or More Recent Crop
Phytosanitary Certificate of No Radiation, No Virus, No Insect Parts, No Rodent Excrement, No Husks and No Poisonous Matter. Product is Suitable for Human Consumption
Professional Sales Team Able to Communicate in the Following Languages: Chinese, English, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian and We Do Ship Our Goods via Sea, Air and Land via Truck
Quality Assurance.
Fast Delivery at Your Request.
Premium Quality Organic Coconut Sugar
Our Coconut Sugar is Made of the Nectar of Coconut Palm Tree (Cocos Nucifera) Blossoms. It is a Wholesome Alternative Sweetener That Can Be Used in Many Recipes as a One-to-one Replacement for White Sugar or Brown Sugar. The Mellow Caramel Flavor is Perfect for Cookies, Cakes and Breads. For a Delicious Breakfast, Top Your Outmeal With a Spoonfull of Coconut Sugar. Its Delicious.
We are engaged in offering superior quality of refined Sugar, Raw Brown Sugar which is processed using optimum quality sugarcane. The Sugar offered by us is natural and adds a new and rich taste to dishes.
Product Description
PURITY : 99.80 %
ICUMSA : 45, 100, 150
GRANULATION : Fine ICUMSA 45 Brown Unrefined sugar
ASH CONTROL : 0.04 % Max
MOISTURE : 0.04 % Max
Our Sugar is tested according to a scale of whiteness. A simplistic way of looking at ICUMSA ratings is to say that the more white a sugar is, the more refined it is. ICUMSA 45 sugar is a sparkling white, highly refined sugar, suitable for human consumption and use in a wide range of food applications.
High Quality
Best Price
Fast Delivery
24/7 Available
Icumsa : 45 RBU
Polarization : at 20°: 99.80% minimum
Moisture : 00.04 % maximum
Sulphated ash content : 00.04 % maximum
So2 : 20 ppm
Granulation : fine
Solubility : 100% dry and free flowing
Radiation : normal certified
Color : crystal white.
Sediments : none
Smell : free of any unusual or abnormal smell
Crop : 2009 or current available
Magnetic particles : mg/k4 so mg/k 20
Key Specifications/ Special Features:
Wholesale ICUMSA 45 Sugar / Brown Refined ICUMSA45 Sugar/ Icumsa 45 White Refined Sugar from Brazil
ICUMSA-45 Sugar is a most Highly Refined form of Sugar. ICUMSA-45 Sugar has a Sparkling White Color and white are the type most often sold direct to Consumers. It is suitable for Human Consumption and use in a wide range of Food applications. It is perpetually in High demand as it is the safest form of Sugar, due to the fact that the refining process by which it is created removes the Bacteria and Contaminants often present in raw sugars.
Specifications of ICUMSA-45 White Refined Sugar of Brazil Origin are mentioned below:
Specifications of White REFINED SUGAR â?? ICUMSA 45
Origin Brazil
ICUMSA45 RBU ICUMSA Attenuation index units Method # 10-1978
Ash content0.04% Maximum by Weight
Moisture0.04% Maximum by Weight
Magnetic Particles mg/kg 4
Solubility100% DRY & Free Flowing
Granulation Fine Standard
Polarization99.80�° Minimum
Max AS1 P.P.M.
Max OS2 P.P.M.
Max CU3 P.P.M.
Colour Sparkling White/brown
Sediments NONE
Radiation Normal w/o presence of cesium or iod-ine SO2: Certified