The pink hue of this salt is due to its high mineral content, which includes calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. These minerals are essential for our bodies to function properly and can help to improve overall health. Full of Nutrients and Minerals
Fine Grain Premium Quality Size 20 - 50 Mesh Key Specifications/Special Features : 100% Pure and Natural , Free flowing , Moisture free Himalayan salt.
Coarse / Crystal Salt Granules Size 2-5 MM Key Specifications/Special Features : 100% Pure and Natural , Free flowing , Moisture free Himalayan salt
Himalayan salt was proven to be the most effective and efficient toxin dispeller in comparison to other common salts. Pink Salt Powder is great for detoxing your body. It helps lower blood pressure and is iron-rich, thus great for everyday consumption.
The purest salt is Himalayan salt, which has neither chemicals nor poisons in it. It has roughly 84 minerals that, because of their small molecular size, the body may easily absorb.Dust, pollen, smoking, and other impurities that could raise the risk of respiratory issues are being eliminated using Himalayan salt lamps. Due to its health advantages, Himalayan pink salt is utilised as a table salt substitute. Depending on its intended function, himalayan salt can be utilised in several ways: In the kitchen As a condiment Food preservation