Many studies have shown that the antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of Coconut Water may help with a number of minor to severe health conditions. This nutrient rich drink has been used to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and it has been found to boost energy levels and increase metabolism in the human body. Other conditions that it has been found to be effective at treating include stomach flu, dysentery, indigestion, constipation, intestinal worms, cholera, urinary abnormalities, urethral stone, malfunctioning kidneys, dry and itchy skin, age spots, and wrinkles.
Many studies have shown that the antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of Coconut Water may help with a number of minor to severe health conditions. This nutrient rich drink has been used to regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and it has been found to boost energy levels and increase metabolism in the human body. Other conditions that it has been found to be effective at treating include stomach flu, dysentery, indigestion, constipation, intestinal worms, cholera, urinary abnormalities, urethral stone, malfunctioning kidneys, dry and itchy skin, age spots, and wrinkles. Weight: 800 gms to 1200gms Shape: Diamond shape or polish shape
safawi dates are usually black in color and packed with vitamins. This type of dates also are normally cultivated in madina and is of soft texture. These types of dates also have healing properties attributed to them and therefore,they are considered one of the best dates to eat in the is reported that if safawi dates are consumed on an empty stomach,they can kill any stomach worms present.threre are three classifications of dates dry sami-dry and soft,safawi dates are of the semi -dry type.
- Safawi dates are medium-sized cylindrical dates. They have a dark black cherry color with hints of brown. The flesh is soft and chewy with a sweet flavor. - Safawi dates are grown in Saudi Arabia in the region of Madinah and botanically known as Phoenix dactylifera. There are three classifications of dates; dry, semi-dry and soft, Safawi dates are of the semi-dry type. The Safawi palm tree is prized for productivity, making Safawi dates more commercially available than many other date varieties. Dates have been eaten for centuries for their medicinal properties. It is even believed that eating Safawi dates on an empty stomach will kill stomach worms.
Asafoetida has its own place in Indian cuisine. It is used most commonly to season pulses (lentils), pickles and various other spicy vegetarian dishes. But the herb is known to be anti-flatulent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, laxative, nerve stimulant, expectorant and sedative. Asafoetida or hing contains coumarins which aid in the thinning of blood and prevent blood clotting. This anticoagulant property of hing along with its healing powers protects against high triglycerides and cholesterol. It thus helps lower high blood pressure. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of asafoetida help alleviate digestion problems like upset stomach, intestinal gas, intestinal worms, flatulence, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is also acts as an excellent laxative and prevents constipation. Asafoetida has been used since times immemorial to treat respiratory tract infections. It acts as a respiratory stimulant and expectorant to release phlegm and relieve chest congestion. Hing mixed along with some honey and ginger have the power to alleviate problems like dry cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, influenza, and asthma.