F500\F800\F1000\F1300\F1600\F1600HL\F2200HL\QDP2200\QDP3000 3NB500F\3NB800F\3NB1000F\3NB1300F\3NB1600F\3NBF1600HL\3NBF2200HL 3NB1300C\3NB1600C\F1300\F1600\F1600L\P160\P2200\QDP2400\QDP2600 RSF500\RSF800\RSF1000\RSF1300\RSF1600\RSF1600HL\RSQF1300L\RSQF1600\RSQF1600HL NB500\NB800 P 7P50\8P80\9P100\10P130\12P160\14P220\JWS-165/340\JWS400 GD PZ-7\PZ-8\PZ-9\PZ-10\PZ-11 EMSCOF350\F500\F650\F800\F1000\F1300\F1600\FB1300\FB1600\FD1600\FC1600\FC2200 TT500\T800\T1300\T1600 AA560-PT\A600-PT\A850-PT\A1100-PT\A1400-PT\A1700-PT MPMP5\MP8\MP10\MP16\MP16L UNBTUNBT600\UNBT950\UNBT950L\UNBT950A\UNBT1180L\UNB600 2. HT400\TWS300\TWS350\TWS600\TWS1000\TWS1500\TWS1800\TWS2000\TWS2250\QWS2500\QWS2800\QWS3000 TPH400\TPD600\QPA1000\QPE1000\QPE1200\TPA2250\QPA2500 STP350\STP600\STP900\STP1000\STP1500\STP1800\STP2250\SQP2500H\SQP2800\STP3300\SQP3300\SQP5500 3. PZ30\PZ40\PSZ65\PSZ75\PS30\PS40\PS50\PS70\PS80\PS90\PS120\PSK30\PSK40\PSK50\PSK60\PSK70\XJPS20\XJPS30\XJPS40 4. ATD214\ATD314\ATD216\ATD316\ATD118\ATD218\ATD318\ATD221\ATD321\ATD124\ATD224\ATD324\ATD227\ATD230\ATD330\ATD236\ATD336\ATD142\ATD242\ATD342\ATD148\ATD248\ATD348\ATD160\ATD260 5. Â 124WCB\224WCB\324WCB\424WCB\136WCB\236WCB\336WCB\436WCB 6. LT300/100LT300/150LT400/125LT500125LT600/125LT700/135CBLT700/200LT800/135LT1070/200 LT500/200LT500/250LT600/250LT700/250 LT700/135DY LT800/250LT900/250LT965/305LT1070/200LT1120/300LT1168/305LT1170/250LT1250/300 CB 4CB2006CB2008CB25010CB30012CB35014CB40016CB50018CB50020CB50022CB50024CB50026CB50028CB52532CB525 VC 11.5VC50014VC50016VC60020VC60024VC65028VC65033VC65037VC65042VC65014VC100016VC100020VC100024VC100028VC100032VC1000 38VC1200 42VC120046VC120052VC120051VC160060VC160066VC160076VC1600
F500\F800\F1000\F1300\F1600\F1600HL\F2200HL\QDP2200\QDP3000 3NB500F\3NB800F\3NB1000F\3NB1300F\3NB1600F\3NBF1600HL\3NBF2200HL 3NB1300C\3NB1600C\F1300\F1600\F1600L\P160\P2200\QDP2400\QDP2600 RSF500\RSF800\RSF1000\RSF1300\RSF1600\RSF1600HL\RSQF1300L\RSQF1600\RSQF1600HL NB500\NB800 P7P50\8P80\9P100\10P130\12P160\14P220\JWS-165/340\JWS400 GDPZ-7\PZ-8\PZ-9\PZ-10\PZ-11 EMSCO F350\F500\F650\F800\F1000\F1300\F1600\FB1300\FB1600\FD1600\FC1600\FC2200 T T500\T800\T1300\T1600 A A560-PT\A600-PT\A850-PT\A1100-PT\A1400-PT\A1700-PT MP MP5\MP8\MP10\MP16\MP16L UNBT UNBT600\UNBT950\UNBT950L\UNBT950A\UNBT1180L\UNB600 2. HT400\TWS300\TWS350\TWS600\TWS1000\TWS1500\TWS1800\TWS2000\TWS2250\QWS2500\QWS2800\QWS3000 TPH400\TPD600\QPA1000\QPE1000\QPE1200\TPA2250\QPA2500 STP350\STP600\STP900\STP1000\STP1500\STP1800\STP2250\SQP2500H\SQP2800\STP3300\SQP3300\SQP5500 3. PZ30\PZ40\PSZ65\PSZ75\PS30\PS40\PS50\PS70\PS80\PS90\PS120\PSK30\PSK40\PSK50\PSK60\PSK70\XJPS20\XJPS30\XJPS40 4. ATD214\ATD314\ATD216\ATD316\ATD118\ATD218\ATD318\ATD221\ATD321\ATD124\ATD224\ATD324\ATD227\ATD230\ATD330\ATD236\ATD336\ATD142\ATD242\ATD342\ATD148\ATD248\ATD348\ATD160\ATD260 5.    124WCB\224WCB\324WCB\424WCB\136WCB\236WCB\336WCB\436WCB 6. LT300/100 LT300/150 LT400/125 LT500125 LT600/125 LT700/135 CB LT700/200 LT800/135 LT1070/200 ä¿?ç½?æ?¯    é??é£?å¼? LT500/200 LT500/250 LT600/250 LT700/250 LT700/135DY LT800/250 LT900/250 LT965/305 LT1070/200 LT1120/300 LT1168/305 LT1170/250 LT1250/300 CB 4CB200 6CB200 8CB250 10CB300 12CB350 14CB400 16CB500 18CB500 20CB500 22CB500 24CB500 26CB500 28CB525 32CB525 VC 11.5VC500 14VC500 16VC600 20VC600 24VC650 28VC650 33VC650 37VC650 42VC650 14VC1000 16VC1000 20VC1000 24VC1000 28VC1000 32VC1000 38VC1200 42VC1200 46VC1200 52VC1200 51VC1600 60VC1600 66VC1600 76VC1600
EMSCO  F-350                    GARDNER DENVER  PZ-GA & GBPZ-7        IDECO  T-500 EMSCO  F-500        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-H-E, VE PZ-8        IDECO  T-800 EMSCO  F-650        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-GA & GB PZ-9        IDECO  T-1000 EMSCO  F-800        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-10        IDECO  T-1300 EMSCO  F-1000        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-11        IDECO  T-1600 EMSCO  FB-1300        OILWELL  A-560-PT        NATIONAL  JWS-165/340 EMSCO  FB-1600        OILWELL  A-600-PT        NATIONAL  JWS-400 BOMCO  F500        OILWELL  A-850-PT        NATIONAL  7-P-50 BOMCO  F800        OILWELL  A-1100-PT        NATIONAL  8-P-80 BOMCO  F1000        OILWELL  A-1400-PT        NATIONAL  9-P-100 BOMCO  F1300        OILWELL  A-1700-PT        NATIONAL  10-P-130 BOMCO  F1600        Honghua  F800        NATIONAL  12-P-160 Honghua  F1000        Honghua  F1300        Honghua    F1600 RUS  UNB600        RUS  UNBT600/600L        RUS  UNBT950A RUS  UNBT950L        RUS  UNBT1180L
EMSCO  F-350                    GARDNER DENVER  PZ-GA & GBPZ-7        IDECO  T-500 EMSCO  F-500        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-H-E, VE PZ-8        IDECO  T-800 EMSCO  F-650        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-GA & GB PZ-9        IDECO  T-1000 EMSCO  F-800        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-10        IDECO  T-1300 EMSCO  F-1000        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-11        IDECO  T-1600 EMSCO  FB-1300        OILWELL  A-560-PT        NATIONAL  JWS-165/340 EMSCO  FB-1600        OILWELL  A-600-PT        NATIONAL  JWS-400 BOMCO  F500        OILWELL  A-850-PT        NATIONAL  7-P-50 BOMCO  F800        OILWELL  A-1100-PT        NATIONAL  8-P-80 BOMCO  F1000        OILWELL  A-1400-PT        NATIONAL  9-P-100 BOMCO  F1300        OILWELL  A-1700-PT        NATIONAL  10-P-130 BOMCO  F1600        Honghua  F800        NATIONAL  12-P-160 Honghua  F1000        Honghua  F1300        Honghua    F1600 RUS  UNB600        RUS  UNBT600/600L        RUS  UNBT950A RUS  UNBT950L        RUS  UNBT1180L                        Those are just a part of our companys products.
EMSCO  F-350                    GARDNER DENVER  PZ-GA & GBPZ-7        IDECO  T-500 EMSCO  F-500        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-H-E, VE PZ-8        IDECO  T-800 EMSCO  F-650        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-GA & GB PZ-9        IDECO  T-1000 EMSCO  F-800        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-10        IDECO  T-1300 EMSCO  F-1000        GARDNER DENVER  PZ-11        IDECO  T-1600 EMSCO  FB-1300        OILWELL  A-560-PT        NATIONAL  JWS-165/340 EMSCO  FB-1600        OILWELL  A-600-PT        NATIONAL  JWS-400 BOMCO  F500        OILWELL  A-850-PT        NATIONAL  7-P-50 BOMCO  F800        OILWELL  A-1100-PT        NATIONAL  8-P-80 BOMCO  F1000        OILWELL  A-1400-PT        NATIONAL  9-P-100 BOMCO  F1300        OILWELL  A-1700-PT        NATIONAL  10-P-130 BOMCO  F1600        Honghua  F800        NATIONAL  12-P-160 Honghua  F1000        Honghua  F1300        Honghua    F1600 RUS  UNB600        RUS  UNBT600/600L        RUS  UNBT950A RUS  UNBT950L        RUS  UNBT1180L                        Those are just a part of our companys products.
Hydraulic end assembly AH0501010500 AH35001-05.00 Sealing washer AH0501010203 AH35001-02.03 Hydraulic end assembly AH0801010500 AH34001-05.00 Sealing washer AH0801010203 AH34001-02.03 Hydraulic end assembly AH1001010500 AH33001-05.00 Sealing washer AH1001010203 AH33001-02.03 Exhaust filter assembly AH0501011400 AH35004-11.00 Inner ring AH0501010204 AH35001-02.04 Exhaust filter assembly AH1001011900 AH33014-04.00 Inner ring AH0801010204 AH34001-02.04A Cross head assembly AH0501010400 AH35001-04.00 Inner ring AH1001010204 AH33001-02.04 Cross head assembly AH0801010400 AH34001-04.00 Outer ring AH050101020500 AH35001-02.05.00 Cross head assembly AH1001010400 AH1001010400 Outer ring AH080101020500 AH34001-05.00 Pinion shaft assembly AH0501010300 AH35001-03.00 Outer ring AH100101020500 AH33001-02.05.00 Pinion shaft assembly AH0801010300 AH34001-03.00 connecting rod AH0501010206 AH35001-02.06 Pinion shaft assembly AH1001010300 AH33001-03.00 connecting rod AH0801010206 AH34001-02.06 Crankshaft assembly AH0501010200 AH35001-02.00 connecting rod AH1001010206 AH33001-02.06 Crankshaft assembly AH0801010200 AH34001-03.00 Cylinder assembly AH050101050100 AH35001-05.01A.00 Crankshaft assembly AH1001010200 AH33001-02.00 Cylinder assembly AH100101050100 AH33001-05.01A.00 Power end lubrication assembly AH0501010600 AH35001-06B.00 Cylinder head flange AH0501010502 AH35001-05.02 Power end lubrication assembly AH0801010600 AH34001-06C.00 Cylinder head flange AH1001010502 AH33001-05.02 Power end lubrication assembly AH1001010600 AH33001-06C.00 Cylinder head AH0501010503 AH35001-05.03A Spray pump assembly AH0501010800 AH35001-08B.00 Cylinder head AH1001010503 AH33001-05.03A Spray pump assembly AH0801010800 AH34001-08B.00 Cylinder liner sealing ring AH0501010504 AH35001-05.04 Spray pump assembly AH1001010800 AH33001-08C.00 Cylinder liner sealing ring AH1001010504 AH33001-05.04 Random tool AH0501011500 AH35001-20.00A Cylinder head plug AH050101050500 AH35001-05.05A Random tool AH0801011400 AH34001-15.00A Cylinder head plug AH100101050500 AH33001-05.05A Random tool AH1001012100 AH33001-31.00A Sealing washer AH10010109 AH33001-09
Hydraulic end assembly AH0501010500 AH35001-05.00 Sealing washer AH0501010203 AH35001-02.03 Hydraulic end assembly AH0801010500 AH34001-05.00 Sealing washer AH0801010203 AH34001-02.03 Hydraulic end assembly AH1001010500 AH33001-05.00 Sealing washer AH1001010203 AH33001-02.03 Exhaust filter assembly AH0501011400 AH35004-11.00 Inner ring AH0501010204 AH35001-02.04 Exhaust filter assembly AH1001011900 AH33014-04.00 Inner ring AH0801010204 AH34001-02.04A Cross head assembly AH0501010400 AH35001-04.00 Inner ring AH1001010204 AH33001-02.04 Cross head assembly AH0801010400 AH34001-04.00 Outer ring AH050101020500 AH35001-02.05.00 Cross head assembly AH1001010400 AH1001010400 Outer ring AH080101020500 AH34001-05.00 Pinion shaft assembly AH0501010300 AH35001-03.00 Outer ring AH100101020500 AH33001-02.05.00 Pinion shaft assembly AH0801010300 AH34001-03.00 connecting rod AH0501010206 AH35001-02.06 Pinion shaft assembly AH1001010300 AH33001-03.00 connecting rod AH0801010206 AH34001-02.06 Crankshaft assembly AH0501010200 AH35001-02.00 connecting rod AH1001010206 AH33001-02.06 Crankshaft assembly AH0801010200 AH34001-03.00 Cylinder assembly AH050101050100 AH35001-05.01A.00 Crankshaft assembly AH1001010200 AH33001-02.00 Cylinder assembly AH100101050100 AH33001-05.01A.00 Power end lubrication assembly AH0501010600 AH35001-06B.00 Cylinder head flange AH0501010502 AH35001-05.02 Power end lubrication assembly AH0801010600 AH34001-06C.00 Cylinder head flange AH1001010502 AH33001-05.02 Power end lubrication assembly AH1001010600 AH33001-06C.00 Cylinder head AH0501010503 AH35001-05.03A Spray pump assembly AH0501010800 AH35001-08B.00 Cylinder head AH1001010503 AH33001-05.03A Spray pump assembly AH0801010800 AH34001-08B.00 Cylinder liner sealing ring AH0501010504 AH35001-05.04 Spray pump assembly AH1001010800 AH33001-08C.00 Cylinder liner sealing ring AH1001010504 AH33001-05.04 Random tool AH0501011500 AH35001-20.00A Cylinder head plug AH050101050500 AH35001-05.05A Random tool AH0801011400 AH34001-15.00A Cylinder head plug AH100101050500 AH33001-05.05A Random tool AH1001012100 AH33001-31.00A Sealing washer AH10010109 AH33001-09
Supplier: Fuel like diesel en590, jet fuel a1, lngg, lpg, copper cathode, a7 ingots, used rails, agri products like sugar, wheat, rice, soyabean etc, sunflower oil, valves & fasteners, spare parts for machineries. construction equipments like concrete machines, crushers, sand washing plants, material handling equipments, and construction materials, coal, diesel, machineries, tyres, generators, tyre shredder machines, fasteners, valves, epoxy, chemicals
Services: Exporter
Mud Gun DESCRIPTION Mud Gun is also called drilling fluid gun which is solid control equipment produced by DC Solid control. Mud Gun is divided into low pressure, medium pressure and high pressure. It is located in the top of the drilling fluid circulating tank and mainly used in the tank corner to prevent solid precipitation or and wash the bottom of the tank,it also can transport the mud between tank and tanks. Besides, mud guns can be supplied by centrifugal pump or mud pump. Mud Guns produced by our company have the advantages of good spray effect ,large clean area,simple structure,flexible operation and easy to use.