Specifications :
Accessories For Aluminum Self-supported Insulated Aerial Bundled Cable
1.Accessories for aluminum self-supported insulated aerial bundled cable for attachment to poles complete
As follows:
1.1 Dead end clamp for 70 mm2 neutral messenger. No. 15000 Pcs
1.2 Suspension clamp with bracket
No. 6000 Pcs
Conductors for phases must be hard-drawn aluminum round compacted stranded with size of (120, 95&50) mm2 while street lighting conductor is 25 mm2.The neutral conductor must be of aluminum alloy (95,70&35) mm2. All cores are black (XLPE) weather and Ultra-Violet (UV) resistance insulated, in accordance to NFC Standard or equivalent.
Tension charts for the required types of cables should be submitted with the offer to cover the following design conditions:-
Cold area Hot area
Min. ambient temp............... Deg C -10 0
Every day temp.................... Deg C 20 25
Max. ambient temp............... Deg C 40 50
Wind Loading (over ice).......... (N/m2) 700 700
Ice loading (radial thickness)... (mm) 10 0
A factor of safety at min. temp. 2.5 2.5
The factor of safety at everyday temp. 5 5
The main dimensions of the low voltage twisted cable 0.6 / 1 kV
(3*120+25+70 (mm2, are as follows:)
-Main phase conductor = 120 mm2
-Construction = 19 wires- hard drawn aluminum round compacted stranded
-Insulation thickness = 1.8 mm-XLPE
-Lighting conductor construction = 25 mm2
-Construction = 7 wires - hard drawn aluminum round compacted stranded
-Insulation thickness = 1.4 mm - XLPE
-Neutral conductor construction = 70 mm2 AL Alloy
-Construction = 7 wires - Non compacted
- Insulation thickness = 1.6 mm XLPE
-Approximate Nominal overall diameter of cable = 45 mm
-Nominal weight of cable per meter =1.65 kg
Main phase and lighting conductors are twisted around neutral; breaking load:
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