Persian blue salt is one of the rarest salt that could be found in a limited amount per year, it is pricy as blue salt mine consists of some veins in a big white salt mine and it shows how it is hard to harvest.
Blue Salt, or Persian Blue Salt is a unique and rare mineral found in the mountain ranges of Iran. This is one of the only places in the world that has Blue Salt. Persian Blue Salt is formed from an ancient sea that dried out 110 million ago, was buried over time, and then compacted by the Earth. When tectonic plate movement created the mountain ranges of Iran, the Blue Salt veins in the rock became exposed. Our Persian Blue Salt is mined from these mountains. Due to the fact that this salt is mined from a buried ancient sea, it is very clean and pure, it has not been exposed to any modern environmental pollutants or contaminants. Blue Salt is a natural product, the blue colour is a natural side effect from this salt structure being compact. This salt was under great pressure from the Earth and compacted to form tight crystal structure, this compact structure refracts the blue light, this is what makes blue salt blue.
Our Persian Blue Salt collection comes in a variety of grain sizes. They are fine, corse, small rock salt, and large crystal.
Persian blue salt is rich in potassium. Potassium helps reduce blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Potassium is also helpful for muscle strength and bone strength and can protect against loss of muscle mass. It is involved in some body's key processes and 4700 milligrams of it should be consumed for adults.