Specification: Without skin, fat and bones; each half carcass cut into the following four pieces:
1.Nape: Each piece weighing 0.8kg net min.
2.Shoulder: Each piece weighs 1.35kg net each min.
3.Loin: Each piece weighs 0.55kg net each min.
4.Leg: Each piece weighs 2.2kg net each min.
With slight fat left on each piece of meat. In each carton, one piece of meat weighing less than the above stipulation is allowed.
Packing:Packed separately in cartons weighing 25kg net each, lined with a polythene bag.
Frozen Pork Sparerib
Specification: Skin-off, bone-in, with tenderloin and ribs 4-6cm in width,fat tissue not exceeding 0.5cm.
Packing:In cartons of 25kg net each.
Frozen pork liver
Specification: Without veins, fat and gall, fresh in quality and neat in appearance.
Packing: 4 boxesX5kg to a carton.
Frozen pork Heart
Specification: Washed and drained, without veins and bloodstain, fresh in quality and neat in appearance.
Packing: 4 boxes to a carton of 20kg.
Frozen pork Kidney
Specification: Fat and external membrane removed, fresh in quality and neat in appearance.
Packing: 4 boxes to a carton of 20kg.
Frozen pork spleen
Specification: Fresh in quality, well-frozen and with a slight amount of fat left.
Packing: 4 boxes(polybags)X5kg to a carton of 20kg.
Frozen pork stomach(cooked)
Specification: Fresh in quality, clean and neat,boiled and well-frozen.
Packing: In a carton of 20kg net each.
Frozen pork trotter
Specification: Fresh in quality and neat in appearance.
Packing: In a carton of 20kg net each.
Frozen pork intestines
Specification: Fresh, well-trimmed and washed, 80-150 cm in length each.
Packing: In cartons of 20kg, 5000gX4 boxes each.
washed clean and fresh
no blood stain
healthy for human consumption
Quality processed Frozen Pork tongue
frozen pork cutting parts.
1 Poly bags of 10kg each = 10kg per carton
*Frozen Temperature:*
- Blasted at minus 40 degrees Celsius
- Storage at: minus 20 degrees Celsius.
- The temperature during Transportation: minus 18 degrees Celsius
washed clean and fresh
no broken bones
no blood stain
healthy for human consumption
Quality processed Grade A Frozen Pork front feet,Hind feet and other
frozen pork cutting parts.
Frozen Temperature:
- Blasted at: minus 40 degrees Celsius
- Storage at: minus 20 degrees Celsius.
- Temperature during Transportation: minus 18 degrees Celsius
Frozen Pork Meat
Specification: Without skin, fat and bones; each half carcass cut into the following four pieces:
1.Nape: Each piece weighing 0.8kg net min.
2.Shoulder: Each piece weighing 1.35kg net each min.
3.Loin: Each piece weighing 0.55kg net each min.
4.Leg: Each piece weighing 2.2kg net each min.
With slight fat left on each piece of meat. In each carton, one piece of meat weighing less than the above stipulation is allowed.
White skin
No broken bones 0%
Well cleaned and fresh
No bruises
No black pads or ammonia burns
No bad smells
No excessive blood or bloodstains
Moisture content is less than 3%
Weight per piece is 45g
20% front and 80% hind feet
Frozen Temperature:
Blasted at: minus 40 degrees Celsius
Storage at: minus 20 degrees Celsius
Transportation Temperature: -18 C