Services : Business logistics and supply chain end to end services
exportation of commodities such as: charcoal, chimney woods, red hibiscus Established: 2023
Verification Status
Contact Details:
2482 Yonge Street, #1265 Toronto, On ,
M4P 2H5
Total Mousture =----
Ash Content : 4,26%
Volatile Matter : 4,79%
Fixed Carbon :90,95%
Total sulfur :0,05 %
Gross Caloric Value :7676 Kcal/Kg
Ready for grade =
-White Charcoal, also known as Binchotan, is a type of hardwood charcoal that has traditionally been produced in Japan. It is called �¢??White�¢?? charcoal because of its light color and unique benefits that create economic value compared to traditional black charcoal.
-Binchotan is the purest charcoal on earth by the highest carbon proportion (more than 92%) and is completely odorless, and smokeless when burning. White Charcoal is more difficult to ignite than black charcoal; however, it burns hotter and longer.
When hitting the pieces together, it gives a light metallic sound. The white charcoal doesn�¢??t break into small pieces while burning.
Food grilled over white charcoal retains its natural flavor and moisture because it burns cleanly and without flames. It is popular in high-end restaurants and mostly in Korea and Japan. In addition, binchotan has many uses such as water purification, exhaust filter, deodorant, skin care, metallurgy, used in battery manufacture...