Supplier: Electric air heaters, emersion heaters, flange heaters
Services: Repairs of electric heaters
Supplier: Air conditioners and gas heaters
Services: Installation, service & repair of air conditioners , gas heaters
Supplier: AC drives, frequency inverter, variable frequency drive
Services: AC drive repair
Supplier: Thermic fluid heaters, hot water boilers, non ibr steam boilers upto 600 kgs, calorifiers, heat exchangers, SS reaction kettles and tanks, MS tanks, chimneys, powder mixer, agitators, pipeline erection jobs IBR
Services: Repair service for IBR and non IBR boilers and thermic fluid heaters
Buyer: Gas/oil burners for boilers
Supplier: Solar water heating systems
Services: Service & repair of all branded solar
Supplier: Biomass boilers, domestic biomass boilers (25-100kwt), industrial biomass boilers (100kwt-10mwt), biomass combustion furnaces (250kwt-10mwt), biomass boiler plants and cogeneration systems, all range of equipment for biomass boiler plants: boilers, furnaces, multicyclones, economizers, fuel transporters, fuel stocks, tanks, automatic control systems
Services: Biomass boiler plants installation, maintenance and repair
Buyer: Steel sheets, steel pipes, paint
Supplier: AC, water cooler, RO water purifier
Services: AC repair & services
Supplier: Gate opener, garage door, power inveter, voltage regulator
Services: Installations and services sales
Buyer: Gate opener, garage door
Services: AC repair, furnace repair, furnace emergency, ac service, duct cleaning