We produce timber, squares, and laths, all freshly cut, with a maximum length of up to 6 meters (4 meters for laths). All of our products are cut to exact dimensions, never undercutting the specified size.
Quality GRADE A1/ A2 ( Quality : Small sound or dead knots < 7 mm are not considered. Tolerance of 1 intergrown knot per side with a diameter up to 8 mm. Knots clusters, through or dead, are not permitted.)
Hello we sell spruce and pine timber various sizes
Thickness: 30/35/40/45/50/55/60/70/80/90
length 2/3/4/5&6m
KD and Fresh
We are FSC certificated
We are timber factory from Estonia. Our company was established in 1992 and we have long and good experience in timber industry. Our production is birch, pine, spruce and larch edged timber.
Thickness 20+ mm
Width 100-250 mm
Length 3000-6000 mm
Grading system Nordic TC (blue book) grading rules
Quality AB
Drying Kiln dry (KD)
Description For our spruce timber production, we use only high-quality wood. Other sizes are possible on request.
Please contact us and send your request. We will consider any proposal.
Pine timber
, We are a large timbering company in latvia and we also have timberyards in latvia, russia. We are producing and exporting sawntimber. We can make from : 1) spruce.(picea abies, whitewood). 2) pine.(pinus silvestris). 3)siberian larch.( larix sibirica). We can also offer-White Oak, White Ash, Beech, Spruce, Pine, Birch, Poplar, Alder, Aspen, Linden (Basswood/Lime), Siberia Larch, Siberia Cedar logs and lumber, S4S(planed-Decking, Wall panel(any sizes, also 4sides T&G) and glued panel(Furniture board)-solid or Finger Join Laminated, glued beam, Stairs, any furniture wood details. Also second grade Pallet productions.
Saw through center of the timber log. The boards are dried (pine/spruce) as per the state standards.
Pine - botanical name lat. Pínus sylvestris
Spruce - botanical name lat. Picea abies
Larch - botanical name lat. Larix ibirica
Birch - botanical name lat. Bétula alba
Caucasian oak - botanical name lat. Quercus rebut
2/4/6 ex-log through the center of the log
From 2.4m to 6m
Moisture content: from 14% to natural ( 22%)
Quality: state russian standard
The timber supplied without rotting signs / blue stains / worm wholes / drought rings or through cracks, without brownrot branches - branches are healthy.