The term "muriate" refers to the presence of chloride ions (Clâ?») in the fertilizer. While chloride is beneficial for certain crops, some plants are sensitive to high chloride levels. Therefore, the use of MOP is often considered based on the specific needs of crops and the existing chloride levels in the soil. In situations where chloride-sensitive crops are grown, alternative potassium fertilizers with lower chloride content might be preferred.
Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) is a widely used fertilizer that provides essential nutrients to plants, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus. Here are some key points about monoammonium phosphate: Nutrient Composition: MAP is composed of ammonium ions and phosphate ions. It contains both nitrogen and phosphorus, making it a valuable fertilizer for promoting plant growth. Solubility: Monoammonium phosphate is highly water-soluble, allowing for easy application as a liquid fertilizer or in irrigation systems. pH: MAP tends to be slightly acidic, which can contribute to lowering the pH of the soil. This can be beneficial in alkaline soils or for crops that prefer slightly acidic conditions. Fertilizer Use: It is commonly used in agriculture as a source of both nitrogen and phosphorus. The ammonium nitrogen in MAP is readily available for plant uptake, while phosphorus is crucial for root development, flowering, and fruiting. Application: MAP is often used as a granular fertilizer that can be broadcast on the soil surface. It can also be dissolved in water and applied as a liquid fertilizer. Compatibility: MAP is generally compatible with other fertilizers, and it can be used in combination with them to provide a broader spectrum of nutrients. Uses in Different Crops: MAP is suitable for a variety of crops, including grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. It is particularly useful for crops that require a balanced supply of nitrogen and phosphorus during their growth stages. Storage: Monoammonium phosphate (MAP) should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture absorption and caking. Environmental Impact: Like other fertilizers, the application of MAP should be done responsibly to minimize environmental impact, such as nutrient runoff into water bodies. Safety Considerations: When handling MAP, it's important to follow safety guidelines and use appropriate protective equipment to prevent skin or eye contact and inhalation.
Humic acid is a group of molecules that bind to, and help plant roots receive, water and nutrients. High levels of humic acid can dramatically increase yields and its deficiency can prevent farmers and gardeners from growing crops with optimum nutrition. Our product is manufactured commercially by alkaline extraction of brown coal (lignite) leonardite and is used mainly as a soil conditioner in the form of Potassium Humate Liquid, it is purely organic substance which boosts soil fertility and enhance yield of agriculture produce. It is used in agriculture as a fertilizer additive to increase the efficiency of fertilizers especially nitrogen- and phosphorus-based fertilizer inputs. It has tremendous appreciation in the market, reason being that the technology is derived from Centre for Applied Research and Development, Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC), Neyveli, a â??Navaratnaâ?? Govt. of India Enterprise under the Ministry of Coal, Government of India New Delhi. It is licensed by National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), an Enterprise of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Benefits of Humic Acid Today, there is a recognized and increasing use of humic acids for their beneficial impact on the growth and cultivation of crops (vegetable & non-vegetable), citrus, turf, flowers, and particularly in organically-deficient soils. Increased Nutrient Uptake Decreased toxins Increased water retention Improved microbial growth Better overall soil structure Humic acids chemically change the fixation properties of the soil, with benefits such as: Neutralizes both acid and alkaline soils; regulates the pH-value of soils. Improves and optimizes the uptake of nutrients and water by plants. Increases buffering properties of soil. Acts as natural chelator for metal ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the roots. Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces leaching. Promotes the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements) into forms available to plants. Enhances the uptake of nitrogen by plants. Reduces the reaction of phosphorus with Ca, Fe, Mg and Al and liberates it into a form that is available and beneficial to plants. Liberates carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate and enables its use in photosynthesis. Helps to eliminate chlorosis due to iron deficiency in plants
Bio-Fertilizers. PREMIUM PHOSTER (Phosphate solubilizing bacteria) – Granule CFU - > 5 x 107 per gm. Packaging 4kg, 25kg Documents: MSDS / LABEL / FCO / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action Due to immobilization of phosphate by mineral ions such as Fe, Al and Ca and organic acids, the rate of available phosphate in soil is well below plant needs. Chemical fertilizers are also immobilized in the soil, immediately so that only 20% of added fertilizer is absorbed by plants. PSB converting insoluble phosphatic compounds such as rock phosphate, bone meal and basic slag particularly the chemically fixed soil phosphorus into available form. Such organism not only assimilates phosphorus but also cause a large amount of soluble phosphate to be released in excess of their own requirements and saves P2O5 up to 30 – 50 Kg/ ha. Phosphorus solubilizing activity is determined by the ability of microbes to release metabolites such as organic acid (lactic acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, fumaric acid, succinic and acetic acid). Inorganic phosphorus is solublizedby action of organic (gluconic, ketogluconic) and inorganic acids (Hcl) secreted by PSB and decrease the soil pH. The pH of rhizospheree is lowered the bio-carbonates release (anions/cation balance) and oxygen/carbon oxide gaseous exchange. Phosphorus solubilizing ability of PSB has direct correlation with pH of the medium. Target Crops :All Cereals (Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Barley),Pulses(Soybean, Green gram, Chickpea, Black gram, Pigeon pea Pea), Oil seeds (Sunflower, Ground Nut, Mustard, Coconut, Safflower), Fibrous(Cotton, Jute), Vegetables, Fruit and Plantation crops Benefits to the crop Increase micronutrients availability to plant from the soil like Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu in addition to P2O5. Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake. PSB produce organic acids like malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid which fasten the P2O5up take, maturity and increase yield. Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants. Compatible to other beneficial microbes with the plant like growth promoting substance. Reduce 25 -30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement Method of application and dosage Soil Treatment - Apply 4 kg/acre PREMIUM PHOSTER in 50kg well decomposed FYM/compost/vermin compost/field soil thoroughly and broadcast in the field before sowing/planting or in the standing crop. Incompatibility Avoid treating the seed with Antibiotics.
Bio Fertilizers. PREMIUM PHOSPHOFIX (Phosphate solubilizing bacteria) – Liquid CFU - > 1 x 108 per ml Packaging :250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr Documents: MSDS / LABEL / FCO / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action Due to immobilization of phosphate by mineral ions such as Fe, Al and Ca and organic acids, the rate of available phosphate in soil is well below plant needs. Chemical fertilizers are also immobilized in the soil, immediately so that only 20% of added fertilizer is absorbed by plants. PSB converting insoluble phosphatic compounds such as rock phosphate, bone meal and basic slag particularly the chemically fixed soil phosphorus into available form. Such organism not only assimilates phosphorus but also cause a large amount of soluble phosphate to be released in excess of their own requirements and saves P2O5 up to 30 – 50 Kg/ ha. Phosphorus solubilizing activity is determined by the ability of microbes to release metabolites such as organic acid (lactic acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, fumaric acid, succinic and acetic acid). Inorganic phosphorus is solubilized by action of organic (gluconic, ketogluconic) and inorganic acids (Hcl) secreated by PSB and decrease the soil pH. The pH of rhizospheree is lowered the bio-carbonates release (anions/cation balance) and oxygen/carbon oxide gaseous exchange. Phosphorus solublising ability of PSB has direct correlation with pH of the medium. Target Crops : All Cereals (Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Barley), Pulses (Soybean, Green gram, Chickpea, Black gram, Pigeon pea, Pea), Oil seeds (Sunflower, Ground Nut, Mustard, Coconut, Safflower), Fibrous (Cotton, Jute), Vegetables, Fruit and Plantation crops Method of Application Seed Treatment - Apply 10 ml PREMIUM PHOSPHOFIX in 1.0 kg of seeds and add sufficient quantity of water. Mix the entire seed with prepared mixture for coating the seeds, dry under shade and sow the seed early morning or late evening. Soil Treatment - Apply 1.0 -1.5 lit. /acre PREMIUM PHOSPHOFIX in 50kg well decomposed FYM/compost/vermin compost/field soil thoroughly and broadcast in the field before sowing/planting or in the standing crop. Seedlings Treatment – Mix 100 ml PREMIUM PHOSPHOFIX in 10 lit. of water and dip the seedlings root for 20 – 30 minutes before transplant the seedling. shade and sow the seed early morning or late evening. Soil Treatment - Apply 1.0 -1.5 lit. /acre PREMIUM PHOSPHOFIX in 50kg well decomposed FYM/compost/vermin compost/field soil thoroughly and broadcast in the field before sowing/planting or in the standing crop. Seedlings Treatment -Mix 100 ml PREMIUM PHOSPHOFIX in 10 lit. of water and dip the seedlings root for 20 – 30 minutes before transplant the seedling.
LIQUID COMPLEX FERTILIZER NPK 3-0-9 (Ecological potassium nitrate) Can be used in organic and sustainable farming. Liquid complex NPK 3-0-9 fertilizer on Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-) and Potassium oxide (K2O+) ions basis is designed more for professional farms purposes and can be used through all fertilization systems. fertilization of all types of vegetables, for ornamental plants, fruit trees, grass, lawn, herbs and much more. High-quality and balanced blend of plant-based nutrients for strong plant growth and a rich harvest. Increases protein content in plants, starch contain in grains and tubers Improves fruit color, fruit size and flavour. Easy to use and with long-lasting effect.
The, ENNNE’, formulations, are, crystalline, water-soluble, fertilizers, containing, the, three, main, elements, required, for, plant, nutrition:, Nitrogen, (N), Phosphor, (P), and, Potassium, (K)., The, Nitrogen, present, under, ammoniacal, form, is, stabilized, with, Dicyandiamide, (DCD), a, chemical, Nitrification, Inhibitor., The, DCD, inhibits, the, bacteria, which, are, responsible, for, the, nitrification, for, several, weeks, by, this, the, transformation, of, the, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, into, Nitric, Nitrogen, is, slowed, down. This, phenomenon, permits, a, longer, presence, of, the, ammonia, ion, (NH4), in, the, soil, which, exalts, the, acidification, effect, of, the, fertilizer, resulting, into, a, major, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, absorption, of, the, plants., The, Phosphorus, (P), used, in, ENNNE’, is, deriving, from, Mono-Ammonium, Phosphate, which, is, highly, soluble, and, immediately, available, to, the, plants., The, Potassium, (K), entirely, deriving, from, Sulphate, assures, a, stabilized, ripening, of, the, fruits, improving, the, coloration, the, sugar, contents, the, conservation, as, well, as, the, quality. When, ENNNE’, is, used, immediately, after, planting, it, stimulates, the, sprouting, and, rooting, of, the, plants,, whilst, used, before, blossoming, it, increases, fertility, of, the, soil.
The, ENNNE’, formulations, are, crystalline, water-soluble, fertilizers, containing, the, three, main, elements, required, for, plant, nutrition:, Nitrogen, (N), Phosphor, (P), and, Potassium, (K)., The, Nitrogen, present, under, ammoniacal, form, is, stabilized, with, Dicyandiamide, (DCD), a, chemical, Nitrification, Inhibitor., The, DCD, inhibits, the, bacteria, which, are, responsible, for, the, nitrification, for, several, weeks, by, this, the, transformation, of, the, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, into, Nitric, Nitrogen, is, slowed, down. This, phenomenon, permits, a, longer, presence, of, the, ammonia, ion, (NH4), in, the, soil, which, exalts, the, acidification, effect, of, the, fertilizer, resulting, into, a, major, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, absorption, of, the, plants., The, Phosphorus, (P), used, in, ENNNE’, is, deriving, from, Mono-Ammonium, Phosphate, which, is, highly, soluble, and, immediately, available, to, the, plants., The, Potassium, (K), entirely, deriving, from, Sulphate, assures, a, stabilized, ripening, of, the, fruits, improving, the, coloration, the, sugar, contents, the, conservation, as, well, as, the, quality. When, ENNNE’, is, used, immediately, after, planting, it, stimulates, the, sprouting, and, rooting, of, the, plants,, whilst, used, before, blossoming, it, increases, fertility, of, the, soil.
The, ENNNE’, formulations, are, crystalline, water-soluble, fertilizers, containing, the, three, main, elements, required, for, plant, nutrition:, Nitrogen, (N), Phosphor, (P), and, Potassium, (K)., The, Nitrogen, present, under, ammoniacal, form, is, stabilized, with, Dicyandiamide, (DCD), a, chemical, Nitrification, Inhibitor., The, DCD, inhibits, the, bacteria, which, are, responsible, for, the, nitrification, for, several, weeks, by, this, the, transformation, of, the, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, into, Nitric, Nitrogen, is, slowed, down. This, phenomenon, permits, a, longer, presence, of, the, ammonia, ion, (NH4), in, the, soil, which, exalts, the, acidification, effect, of, the, fertilizer, resulting, into, a, major, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, absorption, of, the, plants., The, Phosphorus, (P), used, in, ENNNE’, is, deriving, from, Mono-Ammonium, Phosphate, which, is, highly, soluble, and, immediately, available, to, the, plants., The, Potassium, (K), entirely, deriving, from, Sulphate, assures, a, stabilized, ripening, of, the, fruits, improving, the, coloration, the, sugar, contents, the, conservation, as, well, as, the, quality. When, ENNNE’, is, used, immediately, after, planting, it, stimulates, the, sprouting, and, rooting, of, the, plants, whilst, used, before, blossoming, it, increases, fertility, of, the, soil.
The, ENNNE’, formulations, are, crystalline, water-soluble, fertilizers, containing, the, three, main, elements, required, for, plant, nutrition:, Nitrogen, (N),Phosphor, (P), and, Potassium, (K)., The, Nitrogen, present, under, ammoniacal, form, is, stabilized, with, Dicyandiamide, (DCD),a, chemical, Nitrification, Inhibitor., The, DCD, inhibits, the, bacteria, which, are, responsible, for, the, nitrification, for, several, weeks, by, this,the, transformation, of, the, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, into, Nitric, Nitrogen, is, slowed, down. This, phenomenon, permits, a, longer, presence, of, the, ammonia, ion, (NH4), in, the, soil, which, exalts, the, acidification, effect, of, the, fertilizer, resulting, into, a, major, Ammoniacal, Nitrogen, absorption, of, the, plants., The, Phosphorus, (P), used, in, ENNNE’, is, deriving, from, Mono-Ammonium, Phosphate, which, is, highly, soluble, and, immediately, available, to, the, plants., The, Potassium, (K), entirely, deriving, from, Sulphate, assures, a, stabilized, ripening, of, the, fruits, improving, the, coloration, the, sugar, contents, the, conservation, as, well, as, the, quality. When, ENNNE’, is, used, immediately, after, planting, it, stimulates, the, sprouting, and, rooting, of, the, plants,, whilst, used, before, blossoming, it, increases, fertility, of, the, soil.