Fertilizers play a key role in improving the productivity of various crops. Fertilizers contain three primary elements. They are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium(K). They are usually represented on the package as a percentage of their weight i.e. 10-8-6 meaning 10% of N, 8% of P and 6% of K. Formulation percentages vary depending on intended use and desired effects.
Benefits: Low input with high yield.With Quick-acting Nitrogen and fast efficiency to plants.With high quality Humic acid and 100%
chelated Micro nutrient. It can be used in whole growth period. Humic Acid adjust the soil and root environment, protect and
promote the root development.
Improve soil water retention capacity, suitable for slope land, sandy land, etc.
In Granular form, application by drip or broadcast. Can be used in open field and greenhouse.
N - 16.00%
K2O - 5.00%
Humic Acid - 4.00% min
pH value - 6.0-8.0
After a decade long scientific study, investigation and research undertaken on various substitutes, a suitable alternative to peat for the formulation of substrates or part thereof for production of plant application was derived and we named it BASALGROW.
The plant nutrient status in Basalgrow remains uniform when compared to cowdung manure and ordinary composts. Basalgrow remains wed and pathogen free hen compared to Cowdung manure and Town compost which carry weed seeds to farm lands. Except Basalgrow,No other organic manures, provide stable plant nutrient source of natural origin. Almost all of the processed manure named and sold as organic manures in the market are mixture of many of the traditional organic manures fortified with synthetic fertilizers.