166mm cells with PERC and half cell technology. Half Cell Monocrystalline Module with a maximum power of 360W - 375W. Maximum efficiency: 20.59%; 30 YEAR LINEAR POWER WARRANTY and 15 YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY
Our Solar panels are designed to provide a long-term solution for your business. This means that they will last longer and save you money on your electricity bill. They will also help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere by our power plants.
- Monocrystalline Solar Panel 350w
- Monocrystalline Solar Panel 400w
- Monocrystalline Solar Panel 410w
- Monocrystalline Solar Panel 450w
- Monocrystalline Solar Panel 525w
- Monocrystalline Solar Panel 550w
* 15-Year material & technology warranty;
* 30-Year linear power output warranty.
* IEC 61215, IEC 61730, CE;
* ISO 9001 :2015: Quality management system;
* ISO 14001 :2015: Environmental management system;
* ISO 45001 :2018: Occupational health and safety. management system
* High module conversion efficiency by using innovative;
* Half-cell design and Multi-busbar(MBB) cell technology;
* Low-temperature coefficient and excellent performance under high temperature and low light conditions;
* A robust aluminum frame ensures the modules withstand wind loads up to 2400Pa and snow loads up to 5400Pa;
* High reliability against extreme environmental conditions (passing salt mist, ammonia, and hail tests);
* Potential induced degradation (PID) resistance.
Maximum power (pmax)330w
Power tolerance±3%
Maximum power voltage (vmp)53.05volt
Maximum power current (lmp)6.23ampere
Open circuit voltage (voc)62.8volt
Frame structure (material, corners)Aluminium
Maximum load capacity200kg/sq.M
Item : monocrystalline solar panel 60watt
Details :
Large on/off-grid power stations
Rural and island electrification
Commercial/industrial building roof-top systems
Residential roof-top system
Solar street lamp
Other industrial and commercial applications
Electrical technical data
Power: 60wp
Open circuit voltage (voc) 21.24
Short circuit current (isc ) 3.84
Maximum power voltage (vmp) 17.5
Maximum power current(imp) 3.43
Solar cell efficiency (%) 18
Solar module dimension: 805x535x35mm
Maximum system voltage 1000v
System output voltage: 12v
Physical characteristics
Operating temperature -40¡æ to +90¡æ
Storage temperature -40¡æ to +90¡æ
Pressure bearing ¡ü2400pa
Wind bearing ¡ü5400pa
Hail impact test 225g steel ball drops from height 1m
Temperature coefficients
Noct 45¡æ¡à2¡æ
Temperature coefficient of isc +0.05/¡æ
Temperature coefficient of isc -0.34%
Temperature coefficient of pm -0.5%
Power output tolerance ¡à3%
180W mono solar panel specification:
Module type Pm(W) Number of cell Max System Voltage(V) Vm(V) Im(A) Voc(V) Isc(A)
TS-S180M 180W 72 1000 36.5 4.87 44.2 5.28
Maximum system voltage (V) 1000
Temperature coefficients of Isc (%) +0.1%/
Temperature coefficients of Voc (%) -0.38%/
Temperature coefficients of Pm (%) -0.47%/
Temperature coefficients of Im (%) +0.1%/
Temperature coefficients of Vm (%) -0.38%/
Temperature Range -40 ---85
Tolerance Wattage (e.g. +/-5%) 3%
Surface Maximum Load Capacity 60m/s (200kg/sq.m)
Junction Box Type PPO, black
Connectors and Cables Type 4mm2
Length of Cables (mm) 900
Cell Efficiency (%) 17%
Output tolerance (%) 3%
Frame (Material, Corners, etc.) Anodized Aluminum Alloy
Standard Test Conditions AM1.5 1000W/m2 25
Guarantee of power 5 years for the whole product, 90% power for 10years, 80% power for 25 years.
FF (%) 73.3%
180W mono solar panel specification:
Module type Pm(W) Number of cell Max System Voltage(V) Vm(V) Im(A) Voc(V) Isc(A)
TS-S180M 180W 72 1000 36.5 4.87 44.2 5.28
Maximum system voltage (V) 1000
Temperature coefficients of Isc (%) +0.1%/
Temperature coefficients of Voc (%) -0.38%/
Temperature coefficients of Pm (%) -0.47%/
Temperature coefficients of Im (%) +0.1%/
Temperature coefficients of Vm (%) -0.38%/
Temperature Range -40 ---85
Tolerance Wattage (e.g. +/-5%) 3%
Surface Maximum Load Capacity 60m/s (200kg/sq.m)
Junction Box Type PPO, black
Connectors and Cables Type 4mm2
Length of Cables (mm) 900
Cell Efficiency (%) 17%
Output tolerance (%) 3%
Frame (Material, Corners, etc.) Anodized Aluminum Alloy
Standard Test Conditions AM1.5 1000W/m2 25
Guarantee of power 5 years for the whole product, 90% power for 10years, 80% power for 25 years.
FF (%) 73.3%
Max power:250w
Monocrystalline silicon solar cells:156f¯156 mm
No.Of cells and connections: 72(12f¯6)
Dimension of module:1956*992*50
Operating temperature: -40 to 85 degree
Power temperature coefficient: -0.45 (%/c)
Current temperature coefficient: 0.05 (%/c)
Voltage temperature coefficient: -0.35 (%/c)
Noct-normal operating cell temperature: 48fa2 degree