Tomato fruit nutrient-rich, with a special flavor. Can be raw food, cooking, processed into tomato sauce, juice or whole fruit cans. The edible parts of tomato are juicy berries. It is a lot of varieties, according to the shape of the fruit can be divided into round, oblong, oblong, pointed round; according to the color of the peel, there are red, pink, orange and yellow The Red tomatoes, fruit color red, generally slightly flat spherical, navel small, flesh, taste sand sweet, juicy and more refreshing, good flavor, raw food, cooked food can also be processed into tomato sauce, tomato juice; pink tomato, fruit powder Red, nearly round spherical, navel small, fruit surface smooth, taste sweet and sour moderate, better quality, yellow tomatoes, fruit orange fruit large, spherical, flesh thick, fleshy and surface and sand, raw food is light, should be cooked food.
Vegetable any herbaceous plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, leaves etc are used as food. Nearly 100 different types of vegetable comprising both local and exotic type are grown in Bangladesh (table). Vegetable is important for nutritional, financial, and food security in Bangladesh. However, the availability of vegetable is only about 1/5th of the recommended requirement of 200 g/person/day.
Area and production The area under vegetable farming increased from about 1,71,830 ha to about 1,95,951 ha during 1990-1997. Likewise, the production of vegetable also increased from about 1.09 million m tons to about 1.29 million m tons during that period. However, summer vegetable cultivation is constrained by adverse climate and pest attacks. The major winter vegetables are cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, brinjal, radish, hyacinth bean, bottle gourd, etc while major summer vegetables are pumpkin, bitter gourd, teasle gourd, ribbed gourd, ash gourd, okra, yard-long bean, and Indian spinach among others. Some vegetables like brinjal, pumpkin, okra, and red amaranth are found to grow in both the seasons.